Gov. Hochul Leaves Wake For Slain NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller After Confrontation

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Gov. Kathy Hochul made an unexpected departure from the commemoration for the late NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller on Friday afternoon after a tense encounter with another individual present at the event. The scene unfolded at the Massapequa Funeral Home on Long Island, where Hochul arrived for the continuation of viewings around 1:45 p.m. However, her time within the premises was short-lived, lasting merely about 10 minutes before an altercation erupted with a man clad in a black suit, as captured in video footage.

Progressive factions in New York City are pointing fingers at the root causes of crime, seemingly oblivious to their own contributions to the issue. Outside the funeral home, several police officers applauded as the individual involved in the confrontation departed. Mayor Eric Adams has reiterated his appeals to Albany for addressing the issue of criminal recidivism, particularly in light of the recent shooting involving two suspects with extensive criminal histories. The Post continues its comprehensive coverage of the events surrounding the wake of fallen NYPD Officer Diller.

In the aftermath of Diller’s tragic demise, Gov. Hochul and various other legislators in New York have faced criticism, especially concerning bail reform. Revelations surfaced indicating that one of the individuals implicated in the shooting had been released on a gun charge the previous spring. As preparations were underway for the weekend’s memorial services, Vincent J. Vallelong, president of the Sergeants Benevolent Association, penned a strongly worded letter cautioning members of the City Council against attending. Vallelong argued that their presence would not only be a distraction but also tarnish the legacy of a genuine hero who had made the ultimate sacrifice, asserting that these leaders should bear moral responsibility for the officer’s death.



  1. This privileged white Karen, and Andrew evil eyes Cuomo, both have blood on their hands! It was these 2 dogs that signed into law bail reform THAT LED DIRECTLY TO THE MURDER OF OFFICER DILLER!!! I hope every single City Council member that voted for the bill will drop dead this weekend.

  2. That was good. Better, let the guy run for office and be the change he’s seeking. Get rid of Andrea Stewart-Cummings , get rid of Carl Heastie. Bring the voters candidates not chosen by political clubs.

  3. Kudos for ousting hochul whose hands quite literally are dripping with bail reform blood
    Kudos for inviting & welcoming the soon to be 47th President of the United States of America President Donald Trump שליט”א

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