GREAT GOING, JOE: Biden Administration Has No Idea What The US COVID-19 Vaccine Supply Is

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White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Monday admitted that the Biden administration does not know how many COVID-19 vaccinations the US has in reserve.

Psaki made the startling revelation during a briefing with reporters at the White House, where she was repeatedly pressed on the nation’s lagging coronavirus vaccine rollout.

“Is there at least a ballpark amount that officials are aware of how much vaccine there is?” one reporter asked.

“We’ve been here for five days to evaluate the supply so that we can release the maximum amount while also ensuring that everyone can get the second dose on the FDA-recommended schedule,” Psaki said of what President Biden had said would be his top priority, before she then tried to lay the blame on the Trump administration.

“So the confusion around this issue, which we acknowledge there is some confusion, speaks to a larger problem, which is what we’re inheriting from the prior administration, which is much worse than we could have imagined.”

Read more at NY Post.



  1. Biden clearly does not consider Corona to be a priority. He is too busy worrying about illegal immigrants and transgenders. Of course if he cared about the transgenders he would be looking into getting them psychiatric treatment. Or creating one for them But that is way too much to ask for from a liberal

  2. Psaki has got to go. She is naive and wet behind the ears, clueless how to deal with unfriendly reporters. Totally unqualified for the job. Being the Presidents spokesperson is not a joke or a walk in the park. You have to be tough and you have to know how to lie when necessary. This girl is in way over her head. Also, what’s up with the red hair? Grow up.


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