Ha’aretz Hatovah: Two Sides Of One Land

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Feivel A., Ramat Eshkol, Yerushalayim

I grew up in Los Angeles as an ordinary frum kid, no different than many others on the block.

My parents often spoke lovingly and longingly about Eretz Yisroel. We actually visited the Holy Land a few times when I was a child. We spent a summer in Eretz Yisroel and enjoyed it immensely and a year or two later, we spent yet another summer there as well.

My mother’s parents had relatives in Eretz Yisroel. To their great pride, their son, my uncle, made aliyah a few years after his marriage. My parents spoke openly about themselves also wanting to move to Eretz Yisroel, but unfortunately, it never happened – they are still in L.A.!

I was always intrigued by the many books describing Eretz Yisroel and its mekomos hakedoshim. I perceived a certain ancient charm in the pictures of cobblestone streets and dirt roads. When I arrived here for third year bais medrash, I was very excited, and enchanted, by the ruchnius opportunities that seemed to be growing from the trees – the Kosel, the kevarim, the Gedolim. I just couldn’t get enough!

I joined a fairly small yeshiva which was under the leadership of one of the Gedolim. It had a close-knit following of devoted talmidim, many of them yungeleit only a few years older than me. They warmly welcomed me and the rest of the bochurim into their homes. The warmth, the simcha, and the sense of camaraderie was very special. There was an overall feeling that we were part of something. This was my first inspiration, so to speak, to consider establishing my home in Eretz Yisroel. As my years in the yeshiva went on, this sentiment only grew stronger.

When the time came to pursue a shidduch, I considered doing so in Eretz Yisroel. My parents, though, felt that I should return to the States to find a wife, and only afterwards move back to Eretz Yisroel, as a married couple. It’s not that they wanted me to stay in America; they were actually very happy that I wanted to live in Eretz Yisroel.

I then spent a year learning in Lakewood. Although I did enjoy the learning there, I felt very much out of my element. I truly missed Eretz Yisroel and desperately wanted to come back. I even convinced my parents that it would be worth letting me go back to Eretz Yisroel, even if only for an Elul Zman. It was definitely worth it!

While in shidduchim, I did make mention of my special experiences and feelings for Eretz Yisroel. I certainly expressed a desire to live there, but I did not ask for a commitment to live in Eretz Yisroel as a prerequisite or condition for a shidduch. This was under the guidance of my Rosh Yeshiva, who also advised against making long term plans right away. Unfortunately, the girl who would become my wife was given the impression (by some well-meaning individuals) that this was a condition, and that she was indeed signing her life away to living away from her family forever! This backfired many times, over the years. I guess it wasn’t enough just to listen to my Rosh Yeshiva; I should have made sure that everyone else did as well. Ultimately, we married and moved here, taking each year, and each day, one at a time.

For the first three years here as a married couple, we lived in the Yerushalayim neighborhood of Har Nof. The apartments were quite large and comfortable, but from a social aspect, we felt a void. There weren’t too many young couples our age, with children the same ages as our children. We therefore moved to the Sanhedriya / Ramat Eshkol area, and have been living there ever since. In a certain sense, we are now considered part of the ‘older,’ more permanently settled crowd here.

The demographics here in our neighborhood have changed since we arrived. The language on the street is now basically English, and the shuls and ganim (preschools) are filled with Anglos. Although I do enjoy the comfort of having landsmen next door, I miss the nostalgic Israeli charm and simplicity. To begin with, it was that culture that I had felt drawn to, not the one I had grown up with!

Nowadays, it is much simpler to live in Eretz Yisroel. In neighborhoods like mine, your friends and neighbors are all English speakers. Over the past few years new shuls have opened up, led by American rabbonim, which serve the American tzibbur. You can get all the amenities of America here – three bagel stores, ice coffee, Snapple and Gatorade too! – and there are even chadorim and Bais Yaakovs that cater to the English-speaking tzibbur. “For the Americans, by the Americans!” There are surely blessings in this new age, where people can move here while staying very much in their comfort zone, but I do miss the charm, the chein, and the innocence of the other, “authentically Eretz Yisroel,” side.

Our side, though, is also becoming an authentic part of the mosaic that makes up Eretz Yisroel…

The Difference

On a recent trip to America, my five-year-old daughter made a comment that seemed to capture the purity and innocence of a child’s perspective. She was enjoying bubby’s pool, going on outings, and having a blast being wined and dined, but she still felt she should ask: “Abba, is there also a Kosel in America?” “No,” I told her, “there is not.” “Is America kadosh like Eretz Yisroel?” “No, it’s not.”

Maybe she’s only five, but she chapped the difference! The mekomos hakedoshim, the sanctity of a land seeped in kedusha – that is what makes Eretz Yisroel special!

This article is part of our Haaretz Hatovah series featuring Yidden living in, settling, and building up Eretz Yisroel. For more information please contact us at [email protected] or visit naavakodesh.org/haaretz-hatovah

Reprinted with permission from Yated Ne’eman


    • This is an excellent point, and it is also a pele how Yated gives them a platform.
      Presumably, viHaKesef yaaneh es haKol.

  1. I was zoche to spend a few days in Eretz Yisroel a couple of weeks ago. One afternoon, I walked into a lunch kiosk on one of the side streets of Geula to buy lunch. The owner came over to me and said “I believe parnassa is from Shomayim, and I think that the bagel store a couple of blocks away is more befitting for you”. He then proceeded to walk us to the bagel store. In the bagel store, I took a drink out the fridge and put it on the counter to pay. The owner behind the counter said to me “are you sure you want this drink, it is 8 shekel?”.

    These were simple Jewish people who live their life with such sincerity and emes. It was such a refreshing eyeopener to see in 2021 people living their lives as such.

    There is no place like Eretz Yisroel. Even with all the government politics which seem to represent everything exactly the opposite of our Torah, the land of Eretz Yisroel is our home.

    Watching the young children playing in the street in Yerushalayim brings tears to my eyes as a profound fulfillment of the nevuah “u’birchovos…yeladim v’ylados misachakim”.

    We should all be zoche to return to our true home b’karov.

    • Your stories are nice. However:

      ” Even with all the government politics which seem to represent everything exactly the opposite of our Torah, the land of Eretz Yisroel is our home. ”

      The Zionist government. in fact does, not merely “seems to”, represent “everything exactly the opposite of our Torah”.

      As well, the land, Eretz Yisrael, is not yet our home. uMipnei chataeinu galinu meiArtzeinu. It is, in fact, assur for Klal Yisrael as a whole to move there.

      Young children playing in the streets of Yerushalayim now has zero relevance to post-messianic prophecies.

  2. So why is your country discriminating against Jews by not allowing them to enter??? Why are your borders sealed to us who want to visit??? Why are you preventing us from entering??? I thought Israel was supposed to be a safe haven for Jews from all over the world??? Apparently it’s one big lie. Sad. Right before Tisha Biav.

    • Of course it’s a big lie. Zionism is, of course, many big lies.
      As Rav Chaim Brisker (who died decades before 1948) wrote, people think that the Zionists shmad in order to create a State. But the opposite is true: they need a State in order to shmad.

      That is the sole purpose of the Zionist State. Not security, not a haven for Jews, none of that.

      Of course, the Zionists have proven this with their treachery and evil during (and after) the Holocaust, like when the Zionists lobbied governments against allowing Jews in to their countries to escape from the Nazis – because the Zionists needed human cannon fodder to build up Palestine. That’s not even the tip of the iceberg.

  3. “Nowadays, it is much simpler to live in Eretz Yisroel. In neighborhoods like mine, your friends and neighbors are all English speakers.”

    All the American-style shuls and yeshivos are nice, but what happens when the kids turn 18 and the Zionists CH”V want to draft them into their shmad army?
    What happens until then with the constant shmad of living under a “government” of shmad? How does that simplicity help with the famed Israeli bureaucracy?

    You also need lots of money to be able to afford a home in those neighborhoods. Some of the other articles in this series were from those who live in the settlements, against which Rav Shach ruled as a “hisgarus gasa biUmos haOlam”.

    Doesn’t seem all that simple to live there, though it’s nice that some areas are even more American than they already were….

  4. Facts:
    1. Living in Eretz Yisroel has nothing to do with the Tziyonim! Its a gift given to us from Hashem just like Torah and Olam Haba (Brachos, 5)

    2. All Gedolim yearned throughout all the generations to come live in Eretz Yisroel and many even came.


    4. Every single (frum)Yid davens three times a day to return to Eretz Yisroel.

    5. The Rambam (Melachim 5,9-10) writes that it’s better to live in a city that is Rov goyim in EY than to live in a city that is Rov Yidden in Chutz Le’aretz.
    The Kedusha is so great that Ramalla is better than Kiras Yoel!!!!!!!!!!!!

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