Haaretz Journalist: Chareidim Are Israel’s True Environmentalists

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Blasting Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman’s anti-chareidi plan to tax disposable plastic utensils, Haaretz journalist Chaim Levinson insisted that chareidim are far “greener” than Israel’s general society.

“If you think about it, the chareidim are actually the real green society,” he wrote, noting their rock-bottom use of private cars, handing down clothes to younger siblings, avoidance of expensive and unnecessary products, minimum overseas vacations, small and crowded homes, pollution-free Shabbosos and yomim tovim, and parsimony in electricity consumption.

“How comfortable it is to feel green when the person who pays the tax is the chareidi woman who is already weakened. It is a classic hegemonic move of control — that others pay the social price so that you feel much better about yourself,” Levinson concluded.

{Matzav.com Israel}


  1. This is the second article to come out in that has no link to the original article, and only being ‘printed’ in the Chareidi ‘news’.

    The first was regarding Leiberman wanted this tax dafka to hit the Chareidim.

    Is this article completely fabricated as well?

    • Actually, it’s true. Do you know that working mothers whose husbands are in kolel cannot send their toddlers and babies to a government “maon”, but working mothers who are single may. The Israeli government’s worst enemy – much more hated than Hamas and other Arab terrorist groups – are chareidim and “settlers”.

      • “Do you know that working mothers whose husbands are in kolel cannot send their toddlers and babies to a government “maon”, but working mothers who are single may.”

        I live here. I have yet to meet one kollel mother who can no longer afford it and had to pull their kids out.


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