‘HASHEM’S ARMY’: Charedi Hating Lieberman Complains The IDF Is Becoming “Too” Tznius

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The Israel Defense Forces is becoming an organ of the country’s Chief Rabbinate, Yisrael Beiteinu leader Avigdor Lieberman said on Wednesday.

Lieberman’s comments, which he posted on Facebook, came in reaction to a booklet authored by senior rabbinical figures, among them military rabbis, with instructions for religious Jewish soldiers on how to avoid interactions with women forbidden by Jewish law.

“This … booklet for religious soldiers on the halachic laws of modesty, written by military rabbis … with the support of senior rabbinical figures, is yet another proof of the growing radicalization of religious Zionism that is being led by the ultra-Orthodox wing,” wrote Lieberman, warning that the IDF was becoming “Hashem’s army”.

“This attempt to turn the IDF into the ‘army of Hashem,’ with conduct resembling that of a charedi [ultra-Orthodox] kollel, is part of the same messianic worldview that has penetrated Israeli society and which seeks to damage the fabric of life and the status quo on religion and state issues,” wrote Lieberman.

He concluded the post with a call for the booklet to be banned and rabbis that endorsed it to be barred from IDF service.

“The distribution of this booklet to IDF soldiers must be forbidden,” wrote Lieberman, and “the rabbis who sign it prevented from serving in reserves or lecturing to soldiers.”

Lieberman has repeatedly attacked the charedi parties as part of his ongoing rift with the Israeli right, warning that the ultra-Orthodox politicians want to promote legislation that would place heavy religious prohibitions on various activities, severely undermining secular Israelis’ way of life.

This article first appeared in Israel Hayom.




  1. OK Liberman can’t have it both ways. He wants more Haredim to serve in the IDF but not as Jews.

    This pamphlet is not forced on any one. Secular soldiers are not required to read it or even know that it exists. This is simply his hatred showing for all religious Jews.

    He started off on this road after working with the Haredi parties and now he is carreeming out if control .

    He is costing the country tons of money with these repeated elections as well as not allowing normal government business to be conducted.

    I hope retribution will catches up with him soon.

  2. Why does Israel have to be the ONLY army in the world to have women serving? Even North Korea gave it up. No other reason but to spite Hashem and His Torah.

    • I don’t think women should be drafted but your statement is factually incorrect.

      Less than a third of all countries in draft anyone to begin with. And none face the security risks that Israel does.
      Even so Bolivia, Chad, Eritrea, Mozambique, Norway, and Sweden all draft women.

      North Korea still has a selective conscription of women,

      Britain drafted women during WWII(There were ways some women could get out of it but that is also true about Israel today.)

      • incorrect
        never was there a mixed unit Battalion of males and females in any of the cases or situations you mentioned Serving together on real Combat conditions of any sort

        All female or all male units have been successful in studies, but don’t mix males and females in training/combat/air combat units.

        Israel at present actually is not as serious as many other countries generations past who still wouldn’t have women serve
        unPC as it is to State the facts

  3. “He concluded the post with a call for the booklet to be banned and rabbis that endorsed it to be barred from IDF service.
    “The distribution of this booklet to IDF soldiers must be forbidden,” wrote Lieberman, and “the rabbis who sign it prevented from serving in reserves or lecturing to soldiers.””

    So all the Yeshiva Bochrim should endorse this booklet and they will be barred from serving in the IDF. Problem Solved!

  4. The sad irony of this former Soviet refugee’s life – born into a system that oppressed Jews, especially religious ones, he escaped and now works tirelessly in the world’s only Jewish state to spitefully and hatefully oppress religious Jews.

  5. It’s a shame he ever got out of the USSR. He would of been better off thrown in the gulags. This Russian drunk is desperately trying to out-hate Lapid, as far as Chareidim are concerned.

  6. Once, a division of Nachal soldiers from the religious kibbutz Chafetz Chaim arrived at Tse’elim Army Base for advanced training. Moshe Shinkolbski went to check the kitchen and found that the cooks were mixing meat and milk and had absolutely no desire to keep the kitchen kosher. On the contrary, the sergeant in charge of the kitchen ordered him to be removed from the premises. Moshe Sachs, the secretary of the division, went to talk to the commanding officer of the base, a second lieutenant (in Hebrew, Segen Mishneh) who happened to be a member of the anti-religious Hashomer Hatzair movement, who laughed at him and was not willing to a lift a finger in order to kosher the kitchen.

    The soldiers decided go without eating cooked food from the kitchen and get by on army rations which they managed to obtain only following an unpleasant argument. On Friday morning, however, the rations ran out, and they were left without any food for Shabbat; they couldn’t eat the food from the kitchen because in addition to the mixture of meat and milk, it was obvious that food was also cooked on Shabbat. In their distress, they called the military rabbinate on Friday morning. The phone-call was transferred directly to Rabbi Goren, who notified them that he would arrive at the army base promptly, on the very same day, and asked that they notify the second lieutenant of the base of his expected arrival at noon. They passed the news on to the officer, but he laughed, saying: “Good for him, let him come!”

    Shortly before noon, the IDF Chief Rabbi’s car pulled-up to the base. After a brief argument between the driver and the guard at the gate, the car stopped in front of the Officers Headquarters. General Rabbi Goren entered the headquarters with a frown on his face, and demanded that the officer report to him immediately.

    A few minutes later, the officer arrived with a smirk on his face. Rabbi Goren instantly gave the order: “Attention! Leave immediately, and come back the way a soldier is meant to appear before a General!” The smile disappeared from the officer’s face, he left the room in a panic, and stood at the doorway at attention. Rabbi Goren barked: “Left, right, left! Attention! Listen to me carefully, ‘segen mishuneh c’mocha’ (literally, ‘you strange lieutenant’, a play on words of the Hebrew word mishneh, meaning ‘second’, and ‘mishuneh’, meaning ‘weird’). You do not know to honor a General. Today, I’m going to teach you how a General who announces his arrival to an army base is meant to be greeted! You have fifteen minutes to prepare an honor guard at the gate of the base. I command that when I enter the base, I am escorted by an honor guard, until I reach the Officer’s Headquarters. At the headquarters will be waiting for me the division of soldiers from Chafetz Chaim, prepared for line-up. In the meantime, I am going check the kitchen. I brought along with me an officer from the Rabbinate, and he will give you all the instructions about koshering the kitchen. Do you have any questions, segen mishuneh?!” The officer, of course, had no questions, and ran to prepare both the honor guard at the gate of the base, and the division of soldiers from Chafetz Chaim for line-up in front of the headquarters.

    Fifteen minutes later, Rabbi Goren returned and re-entered the gates of the army base with an honor guard. When he arrived at the Officer’s Headquarters, he stood in front of the Nachal soldiers and said to them: “Shalom, soldiers! I came here to arrange the kashrut matters that have been utterly neglected. This is a serious offense in contradiction of General Staff regulations, and those responsible will be brought to account for it. I would like to point out that the ‘segen mishuneh’ who fills the role of commanding officer here, learned today how to greet a General, and I hope he’ll remember it. Shabbat Shalom.”


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