HATE IN FLORIDA: Miami Residents Hit With Vile Disney-Themed, Antisemitic Flyers

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Miami-area residents woke up to Disney-themed, antisemitic rhetoric littered across their yards. The bigoted flyers, placed in plastic bags, included Disney characters with blue Magen Davids stamped across their heads to represent Disney executives, whose names were provided under the illustrations. Below the names, each exec was labeled as “Jewish.”

The bags also contained a pamphlet with conspiratorial accusations that Disney was involved in antisemitic child grooming. Police said antisemitic fliers concerning mass immigration and gun control also made rounds in other areas of Florida. Read more at Miami Herald.

Family Vacations at Disney Parks & Resorts


    • It’s Putin’s fault… Errr, Trump’s fault… Oh, yeah, it’s the Jews’ fault! The Jews are all antisemites. Just ask Adam (Schiff), Bernie (Sanders), Chuck (Schumer), Jerry (Nadler) and Richard (Blumenthal).

  1. This is 100% not anti Semitic, the Megan dovid is not a jewish symbol its a Zionist symbol a freemason satanic symbol, so lets start over are these disney executives zionist freemason’s? yes they are is disney the #1 in the world trafficking children? yes

  2. First of all Disney is truly rotten to the core and they are attempting to indoctrinate children rachmana latzlan into their agenda of toeva etc etc…. That’s a fact and the company openly admits it. If there are Jews running the company that is a disgrace and they are in need of serious spiritual help. However you can’t fault parents for being disgusted with Disney. In fact all human beings, Jew and Non-Jew should be protesting Disney.
    Keep your kids with Uncle Moishy and in our daled amos. Am Yishkon Levado. We have no need for Disney because BH we have a far superior life. However, I do harbor sadness for the degradation of mankind in general. Ohavei Hashem Sinu Rah.

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