Heads of Yale, UCLA, U of M Called to Testify Before House Ed Committee

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The administrators of three more universities have been asked to appear before congressional representatives to answer for the antisemitism manifesting at their institutions.

On Tuesday, the Committee on Education and the Workforce announced a hearing for May 23, titled “Calling for Accountability: Stopping Antisemitic College Chaos.”

It named as invitees Peter Salovey, the president of Yale University; Santa Ono, the president of the University of Michigan; and Gene Block, the chancellor of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

“The committee has a clear message for mealy-mouthed, spineless college leaders: Congress will not tolerate your dereliction of your duty to your Jewish students,” said the chair of the committee, Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.). “No stone must go unturned while buildings are being defaced, campus greens are being captured or graduations are being ruined.”

On Monday, UCLA canceled classes following clashes between pro-Hamas and pro-Israel student activists. On April 22, Yale University police arrested 47 anti-Israel protesters. On March 26, the Anti-Defamation League wrote a letter to Ono following two antisemitic incidents at the school, which also has an anti-Israel encampment.

In a statement on Monday commenting on the ongoing, escalating campus protests, Foxx warned that administrators capitulating to student activists “contributes to the degradation of our civil society.”

She added that “the inmates are truly running the asylum.”



  1. Free speech MUST be protected……..when it incites violence against those pesky Jews. Never against blacks or gays.


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