Rockland County Executive Ed Day and County Health Commissioner Dr. Patricia Schnabel Ruppert warn residents of the widespread confirmation of COVID-19 in our county. The cases are rising dramatically each day and it is expected this trend will continue. Currently, there are 80 positive cases of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in Rockland County.
“It was fully expected that these numbers would continue to rise as testing continues to increase across New York State and here locally. However, it is now clear that COVID-19 is widespread within our community. The time has come that everyone here in Rockland must stay home. We all have an individual responsibility to do our part to curb the spread of this disease. Your choices now and throughout this outbreak will make the difference between life and death for members of our community,” said Dr. Ruppert.
COVID-19 has spread quickly throughout Rockland County and all residents must stay home, including children and teens not in school, unless you must get food, medical supplies, or must work outside the home (if you cannot work from home). Try to use delivery services when possible. Stay away from other people as much as possible, following the recommendation of 6 feet (2 meters). It is important that everyone stay home, healthy or sick. The health care systems in Rockland are becoming overwhelmed and residents must do their part to avoid a further crisis.
Please consider any public site in Rockland as a potential site of COVID-19 exposure. Any events and gatherings of people still scheduled to take place in the coming weeks must be canceled or face fines imposed by county ordinances. Due to the large spread of the novel coronavirus in the county, the health department will no longer be able to advise residents where potential exposures have occurred.
If you become mildly ill, stay home and manage your symptoms. For residents who have symptoms indicative of COVID-19, contact your medical provider to discuss your symptoms. The health department is advising people with mild illness to stay home and not get tested. Do not dial 9-1-1 unless you have an immediate medical emergency.
Continue to practice good hygiene including washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, cover your cough and sneeze with your elbow or a tissue and do not touch eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.
If you have any concerns about COVID-19, call the New York State Department of Health’s Novel Coronavirus 24-hour hotline at 1-888-364-3065 to speak with a NYSDOH expert who will answer questions. You may also call 211 for local COVID-19 information and resources, visit the county’s coronavirus (COVID-19) webpage at http://rocklandgov.com/departments/health/coronavirus-covid-19/ or follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/rockhealth or Twitter at www.twitter.com/rockhealth for more information.
I’m a little confused! Please clarify it to me!
If I stay away from other people – really away – how can it be a problem! Say, Heaven forbid, I’m carrying the virus, if I keep my distance, a 6 foot distance as prescribed, who is put at risk? I can drive to wherever so long as I don’t in close proximity of any other person, neither I can contract it nor can I pass it on. So what is the reason to remain indoors!
What? You’re questioning fake news’ authenticity? For your information, very soon a national military curfew will be deployed all over the world like they already have in California where there are lots and lots of Coronas, as well as in many cities in Europe. These national guards will surely shoot at all Coronas to wipe them off this planet.
I’ve got to see a shrink. Presto !