Everett Colley, from Yorktown, Virginia, who was born profoundly deaf, had cochlear implant surgery at the Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters on December 6. Two weeks later the infant had the external portions of the devices attached and he was able to hear his parents for the first time. Footage, captured on December 20, shows Everett stare at both his parents Ashley and Zachary as he hears their voices. He beams at his mother and leans in towards her for comfort as his parents continue to speak to him.
Any reason all your stories could be like this and none about tragedies injuries deaths?
There ARE a lot of tragedies. But there are also a lot of miracles such as this one. Thank you HaShem for sending us the researchers who are your vehicle by which these miracles are manifested.
Watching this video brought tears to my eyes. Human nature is to live and thrive.
For those wicked evil democrats who support a woman’s right to murder her baby, this success story only aggravates them.
Wow. Thank you Matzav for posting this beautiful video!
Keep them coming!