HISTORIC RAISE: At Mir Yerushalayim Dinner, Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz Announces 20% Raise for Yungeleit

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As first reported on Matzav Status, tonight, at the Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim dinner at Belle Works in Holmdel, NJ, Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz, famed philanthropist from Los Angeles, announced that the stipends of the yungeleit at the yeshiva would be increased by 20%.

The effort to increase the yungeleit‘s stipends was undertaken by R’ Shlomo Yehuda, who was the guest of honor together with well-known philanthropist Ralph Herzka of Brooklyn.

The dinner was attended was thousands of talmidim, friends and supporters of the yeshiva.

The dais was graced by roshei yeshiva and rabbonim, including the zekan roshei hayeshivos, Maran Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, Rosh Yeshivas Philadelphia, who delivered divrei brocha.

In recognition of the remarkable generosity of R’ Shlomo Yehuda and R’ Ralph, the Mir presented each of them with a Sefer Torah, an expression of the yeshiva‘s gratitude to two of the greatest tomchei Torah of our time, who have each donated tens of millions of dollars to the Mir and other mosdos haTorah.

In his speech tonight, R’ Shlomo Yehuda referenced the legendary baal tzedakah and baal chesed, Reb Moshe Reichmann z”l, who continues to serve as a the paradigm and the example to which R’ Shlomo Yehuda aspires, supporting Torah in magnanimous fashion.




  1. why dont more kollelim do this? certainly there are enough rich gevirim to help. maybe instead of Pesach programs this is where money should be going. I am surprised how many “scholars in residence” attend these programs.

    • Yes. Many of these scholar in residence are being very hypocritical. They preach how helig it is to stay home surrounded by your own mishpacha and orchim. To daven in your own Shul and show support and respect for your Rav. But these same preachers/dynamic speakers are not practicing what they preach.

    • @Anon.
      There are a lot more people that don’t go to these Pesach Programs than do (and that could afford it) as they feel their money would be better allocated elsewhere.

      Either way, It’s really not your business how they spend their money. Instead of questioning how they spend their money, be happy for them. It will make you a happier person as well.

    • Hater. FYI , Rechnitz is also not living “pas b’melach”. His donations are just advertised. He does wonderful things, but don’t hate on the other gvirim that give plenty without fanfare.

      • Just FYI, Rechnitz never wanted his philanthropy advertised, either.
        He just gave such astronomic amounts it became unavoidable. He agreed to it b’diyeved, saying that at least he hopes it’ll inspire someone else.
        Also, sometimes people who received from him publicized it (like the goyishe widow in Texas) or caught him on camera (like when he gave money to the US soldiers in Ireland).
        But Rechnitz himself never wanted to flaunt his tzedakah-giving.

  2. Kol hakavod, this is beautiful.
    I don’t mean to sounds cynical, but do these frum employers make sure that their employees, that help them earn all this money, get a nice yom tov bonus?

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