TRAGEDY IN ARIZONA: 18-Year-Old Bochur, Moshe Yust z”l, Killed in Hit and Run

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It is with great sadness that reports the petirah of Moshe Yust z”l, an 18-year-old bochur who was killed today in a hit and run on a highway in Arizona.

Moshe was part of a group of three bochurim who were taking a road trip through Arizona while their yeshiva was closed due to the coronavirus.

Moshe and his friends were driving on Route 89, going through Flagstaff, when they stopped to assist a car that had gotten a flat tire.

Flagstaff is a city surrounded by mountains, desert and pine forests, a gateway to the San Francisco Peaks.

The group was helping the stranger on the side of the road when a speeding car drove by the scene and struck Moshe, mortally wounding him. The car sped away without stopping.

A Misaskim group from Los Angeles flew to Arizona to provide their services at the scene.

Moshe’s friends relate that he was one of the most popular members of his chaburah, with tremendous simchas hachaim and a zest for life. He had a lev tov and would do anything for anyone. It is striking that he was taken while performing an act of kindness for a stranger.

Yehi zichro boruch.




  1. BDE.
    When emergency stopping on the highway, keep in mind that there’s very little chance that a ton of metal moving at 60 mph will be able to brake for you. Also, there are plenty of drunk or distracted drivers. In other words, when stopping on a highway, always have an escape plan – don’t rely on the other drivers.

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