TRAGEDY IN MONSEY: Hit-and-Run on Carlton Road in Monsey Results in Tragic Passing of Mrs. Miriam Sussman a”h

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After a lengthy search for a woman reported missing Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Miriam Sussman a”h, 52, was found by a Chaverim volunteer early Monday morning at the side of Carlton Road in Monsey.

Rockland Daily reports that Mrs. Sussman’s absence was reported at about 4:45 pm on Sunday. She was found at approximately 1 am Monday, apparently the victim of a hit-and-run accident.

Rockland Hatzolah responded to the scene, but tragically it was too late to render assistance.

An investigation is underway by the Ramapo Police Department while Chaveirim is reviewing video footage to assist police in determining how the tragedy occurred.
Misaskim and Chesed Shel Emes were called to the scene to ensure kavod hameis.

Umacha Hashem dimah me’al kol ponim. 



  1. Although we do not know for sure exactly what happened (yet),
    I can tell you this: I drive on this road every single day. The road is narrow and winding. There is not a single place where passing cars is legal, as there are double yellow lines all the way. Every day is a near miss with accidents, as both cars and school buses are going over the lines and speeding. Also, if you are on the Monsey Scoop whatsapp group, all you see is accidents and more accidents. So, I would like to ask ALL monsey people, those of you who are old timers, and those of you who are more recent. Please drive more carefully. STOP TEXTING (You know who you are). STOP HOLDING YOUR PHONE; the majority of you have newer cars that have bluetooth, its not that hard to use. (You know who you are). Most of all. be considerate and follow the traffic rules. DO not pass on double lines, If you are not handicapped (even though a relative may be, who is not in the car with you), DO NOT PARK IN A HANDICAPPED SPOT (then again, in that case, you are just mentally handicapped). Stop signs and red lights and no left turn signs are not suggestions. Oh, and the center lane on route 59 is for emergency vehicles and for turning, not for idiots who cant wait for the light like everyone else.
    to the newer residents, leave your horrible driving habits in Brooklyn (again, you know who you are).

  2. It makes no sense that someone would hit a person so severely that it would kill them, and they wouldn’t know they hit someone or something. So, either left the scene – knowing what they did, or worse, ran into the victim on purpose. Either of these scenarios is terrible – the second being worse. Regardless it’s a horrible tragedy for her family.

    • Thats actually untrue.
      I cannot know what happened here, but it IS possible to hit someone and be unsure of what one hit, with that hit being able to cause a fatality.

      • The bottom line is that the driver that hit Mrs. Sussman stopped and got out of the car and looked around for a while to see what it was that they hit because he/she most definitely felt the impact. This is what eyewitnesses related. Apparently, the impact was great enough that it threw Mrs. Sussman far off the road and the driver that hit her never found what it was they hit and eventually left the scene. Imagine the shock the next morning seeing the news and realizing that they were the one that killed the woman. SO SAD!!!

  3. “It wasnt a hit and run! it was a tragic accident! please remove this story!”
    WHY? it was a hit and run. did the driver check his car for blood? if he hit someone hard enough to kill her, there had to be blood. if, so, you dont “give up”. You pull over (the shul parking lot is right there) and call the police.
    or at least call chaverim for assistance.

    • are you the killer? you sound very suspicious. You sound too sure of yourself, as if you were there and know exactly what happened.

  4. Please correct this story! This was NOT a Hit and Run. The driver along with others including chaveirim searched the area for a long time and saw nothing so they assumed it was an animal. Its horrifying to read and see peoples comments here that show their utter ignorance…

      • allow me to explain. I daven in the shul that this happened in front of. its a narrow, winding 2 lane road with double yellow lines all the way. The weather was horrible. the speed limit on that road is 30. Do you have any idea how fast the driver had to be going so that the poor woman went flying 30 feet into the woods? That is not an accident. Its reckless driving that lead to vehicular manslaughter. This is a sickness in Monsey right now. Everyone is in a rush. what will happen if you get to your destination 3-5 mins later?
        Again, anyone can join the monseyscoop whatsapp. EVERY SINGLE DAY there are accidents. maybe if the police started issuing real tickets (without pleaing down) and suspending licenses, things will improve. But I doubt it, the police are in the pockets of the rebbelech.

  5. Apparently someone said that witnesses said the person that hit her stopped and got out of their car to see what it was they hit and looked around for 20 minutes until they gave up and left. It seems that the impact threw her off the road and out of sight and the person that hit her couldn’t find anything. How sad! By now, I’m sure this person knows what happened and came forward.

    • Yes, pls leave only the finecommunist editing here where slanted news can be read and we can properly indoctrinate ourselves with the exact and only party line we all need to tow. Critical thinking and independent analysis are dangerous tools that could lead to logical conclusions that differ from what sheep following the master shephard need do. Of course I should never own a smartphone and only an eidah mashgiach sb allowed to onsite as only they possess the necessary control and organizational connection. Time to put my head back down and blindly follow those I empower in symbiotic relationship where I follow them and they include me and as a group we forcefully exclude deviators who refuse to join our program.

  6. I have lived in Suffern for 50 years and the demographics are changing and if we are to change with it some common sense needs to apply to all who live here. Where reflectors when it is dark. Walk in a straight line one behind the other. I see families walking with their children close to the traffic.
    When you ware black it is almost impossible to see you so use some precautions when walking. Also yes the driving is a big issue! Everyone is in a hurry and some think the rules don’t apply to them. This is for your safety and the safety of the person driving the car.

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