Holocaust Denier Running for Congress in Illinois

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arthur-jonesAn Illinois congressional candidate running as a Republican in the upcoming primary has said that the “Holocaust never happened.”

Sixty-four year-old Arthur Jones is an insurance salesman who organizes family-friendly neo-Nazi events to commemorate Adolf Hitler’s birthday in his free time. The businessman hopes to win the Republican ballot and run against Democratic Congressman Dan Lipinski in Illinois’ 3rd Congressional District.

“As far as I’m concerned, the Holocaust is nothing more than an international extortion racket by the Jews,” Jones said to Lemont Patch. “It’s the blackest lie in history. Millions of dollars are being made by Jews telling this tale of woe and misfortune in books, movies, plays and TV.”

“The more survivors, the more lies that are told,” he added.

Jones was originally a member of the Nationalist Socialist Party and took part in the Nazis’ march on Chicago’s Marquette Park in 1978. Now he clams to vote Republican “90 percent of the time.”

“Philosophically, I’m a National Socialist,” Jones said. “Officially, I don’t belong to any party except my own, the America First Committee.”

Jones has unsuccessfully run for office twice, expending much of his savings in the effort, Lemont Patch reports. Now he’s jumping into the race again because of Lipinski’s affiliation with the American Israel Pro Israel Affairs Committee.

“[AIPAC] was bragging on their website how [Lipinski] is ‘spearheading’ the effort in the House of Representatives with a Jewish congressman from Virginia named Frank Wolf,” Jones said. “The two are spearheading an effort in the House to get tough with Iran, including closing off any oil exports to China that could lead to World War III.”

“These war-mongering fools in congress like Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney-we can’t let Iran have one nuclear weapon but we let Israel have all the nuclear weapons they want,” Jones said. “This is ridiculous.”

Jones compares the current plight of the United States to that of Germany, following the end of World War I. “Our country is falling apart economically, politically, culturally, militarily,” he said. “We are going down.”

Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady has disassociated his party from Jones’ campaign. He released a statement asking “all citizens of Illinois do the same.”

“His views and previous statements are repugnant and his candidacy should not and will not be supported in any way by the Illinois Republican Party. Unfortunately, pathetic and ignorant human beings like Arthur Jones still exist-my sympathies are with the members of our Jewish community as well as other communities to which Mr. Jones has directed his hate.”

“Our community and all concerned Americans should take this incident as a wake-up call,” wrote the Simon Wiesenthal Center in a statement. “We must remain vigilant against those who would manipulate our political institutions to advance the forces of hate and bigotry. As the late Nazi hunter and Humanitarian Simon Wiesenthal said: ‘freedom is not a gift from heaven. We must fight for it everyday.'”

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  1. Wow, this guy seems like a perfect candidate for those Greenfield/Fidler/Etc. guys to support! Way to go! You walking talking Chillul Hashem! You choteh machte es horabim!

  2. Ah but is he against toeiva marriage? That is all that matters, that and making sure he isnt a democrat which as a neo-nazi he obvioulsly isnt

  3. The Republican Jewish Coalition has denounced David Axelrod for using ‘Nazi Imagery’ when he denounced the Rapublican primaries in Illinois. I think the Republican Jewish Coalition should kasher their home and throw out the nazis in their party before criticizing anybody else.

  4. we all have email. Make sure you email this to all your friends, because even if they aren’t in Illinois, they may send it to people on their own list who will be in Illinois. Very important to keep this going around

  5. The Holocaust did not happen?? Neither was there a World War I nor an American Revolution. As a matter of fact, Illinois is still Native American Indian territory. Since Arthur Jones is not a Native American Indian and does not live in a tipee, he can not run for office. Tough luck, Kimosaabi.

  6. #3: Please read the article, which states:

    Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady has disassociated his party from Jones’ campaign. He released a statement asking “all citizens of Illinois do the same.”

  7. Do people realize that “National Socialist” means “Nazi?” The word “Nazi” is a shortcut for the term “National Socialist.” Look it up if you don’t believe me. Their website is NSM88 dot org, and they have pictures there of the swastika on their flag.

  8. I’m happy to hear that in the course of running for office this fool has expended “much of his savings in the effort.” May he make himself destitute and starving.

  9. This district is not really heavy on the yidden, but it doesn’t matter since the incumbent will win easily. This yahoo won’t even win the Republican primary, no?

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