Hostile Attack Attempted El Al Communication Network Takeover

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In a worrying turn of events within Israeli aviation, there was an attempt by hostile forces to take control of the communication network aboard an El Al flight originating from Phuket, Thailand, en route to Ben Gurion Airport in Israel.

This incident occurred while the plane was traversing airspace known to be frequented by Houthi rebels, which raised concerns about the possibility of sabotage. These concerns were detailed in a report from Israeli public broadcaster Kann.

Despite the gravity of the attempted takeover, the flight successfully reached its destination and landed safely, averting what could have been a disastrous situation.

Initial findings from the incident suggest that the individuals involved aimed to alter the plane’s course, potentially deviating it from its planned route. However, vigilant crew members promptly detected irregularities and took swift action to neutralize the threat.

Speculations from sources in Somalia have hinted at the involvement of Somaliland, particularly following a contentious agreement with Ethiopia. While the exact motivations behind the attempted takeover remain murky, authorities are actively probing the incident to assign accountability and mitigate future risks.

The directives given to the flight crew departed from standard protocols, raising suspicions of underlying motives. This deviation added to mounting concerns, especially regarding the possibility of compromising the aircraft’s structural integrity or steering it towards perilous zones. Additionally, there were fears of potential threats from the ground, such as attempted abduction.

The decisive response from the vigilant crew members prevented a catastrophe, as they promptly disregarded the dubious instructions and employed alternative communication methods. Meanwhile, the pilot team diligently cross-checked information with other air traffic controllers, exposing the ruse and retaining control of the aircraft.

{ Israel}


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