House Intelligence Chair Rep. Adam Schiff Says He Wasn’t Told About al-Baghdadi Operation

Washington Post photo by Arelis R. Hernández
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Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff were not informed in advance of the U.S. special operations forces raid in northwestern Syria in which ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi died, Schiff said on ABC’s “This Week.”

“My understanding [Pelosi] wasn’t [told]. But a couple of things, first of all, good riddance. [Al-Baghdadi] was a blood thirsty killer to the degree that he retained operational control of ISIS, Schiff said. “This is an operational success, this is a symbolic victory. He had the blood of thousands and thousands of people on his hands, including many Americans and American journalists. So, this a great day, a ruthless killer has been brought to Justice. ”

Schiff appeared on “This Week” moments after President Donald Trump announced the raid in northwestern Syria on Saturday.

Read more at ABC News.



  1. Schiff and Plastic weren’t told in advance?! We must open an immediate investigation into this impeachable offense! Trump should resign in disgrace.

  2. Hey Adam, You are a worthless piece of trash. You would have put American lives at stake to further your anti-America agenda and your reelection. (which I hope you lose … big)

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