IDF Soldier Betzalel Zvi Kovach Succumbs to Wounds Sustained in Gaza

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IDF Staff Sergeant Betzalel Zvi Kovach, a soldier in the Netzah Yehuda religious Battalion who was critically wounded in battle in Beit Hanoun last week, succumbed to his wounds on Sunday at Soroka Medical Center in Be’er Sheva.

Staff Sergeant Kovach, aged 20 from Yerushalayim, studied at the “Beztavta” Hesder yeshiva.

Last week, two other soldiers from the Netzah Yehuda Battalion were killed in action in northern Gaza. They were Cpt. Israel Yudkin, 22 from Kfar Habad, and Staff Sergeant Eliyahau Haim Emsallem, 21 from Raanana.



  1. Shakedown are you feeling better now?
    Some more chareidim killed. And earlier today a number beaten by Israeli police.
    Instead of saying there should be less casualties and Jews should go to holy sites like anyone else. ( Muslims to הר הבית on Ramadan. You know that holiday when they commemorate why they slaughter and rape us…). To the ממשלה – we see everything’s clear as day. So much for a democracy in the middle east. For everyone but the observant Jew.
    We don’t need enemies with this type of family climate. When will you be determined to treat everyone with decency and not just our enemies? We are one. But you keep acting like we are not.

    • I really wonder who are behind all these soldiers being killed. I highly doubt they’re all killed by Hamas.


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