IDF Soldier Kicked Out Of Unit After Failing To Fire At Terrorist

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A soldier from the Golani Brigade’s reconnaissance battalion has been kicked out of his unit after he failed to open fire at a Palestinian man who threw a Molotov cocktail at him in the northern West Bank on Saturday night, the military said Monday.

According to the Israel Defense Forces, the infantryman was stationed at a military post outside the Kedumim settlement, guarding the area. The Palestinian suspect approached the area by car and then got out and began walking toward a bus stop, while closely watching the guard post.

Seeing this as suspicious, the soldier approached the suspect and called for him to halt. In response, the Palestinian man ran at the soldier, yelling, the military said.

The Golani soldier again called the man to stop and cocked his weapon. The suspect then threw the firebomb at the soldier, missing him and causing neither damage nor injury, the IDF said.

Read more at Times of Israel.



  1. Better to be kicked out if the brigade than to be court martialed and have to sit in jail. He was in a catch 22. Considering what happened to others, he probably made the right decision.

    • No. This coward only emboldened the terrorist to go out and attempt to kill more Jews in the future! The incompetent soldier should be thrown in prison!

    • 11:08, you are right about the catch 22, but you are very wrong calling this a “right decision”. Now the islamonazi terrorist is still ready to murder other Jews. Would you call this a “right decision” if it was your family who were victimized by the murderous terrorist left alive by the coward?

  2. 11:08, you are right about the catch 22, but you are very wrong calling this a “right decision”. Now the islamonazi terrorist is still ready to murder other Jews. Would you call this a “right decision” if it was your family who were victimized by the murderous terrorist left alive by the coward?

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