IDF To Use Charedi Media To Promote Army Service

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The IDF and the Defense Ministry’s political-security wing are expected to launch a campaign in the near future to encourage the recruitment of charedim into the army in the charedi media, Yisrael Hayom reported.

The IDF noted that the intention is to build recruitment campaign specifically geared towards the charedi population, which will explain why it is important to serve in the army, what the service can provide the recruits, and how they can serve in the IDF without abandoning their faith and religion.

The number of charedim serving in the IDF has risen dramatically in recent years. In 2010 only 300 charedim served in the IDF, compared with about 9,000 today.

Read more at Arutz Sheva.



  1. “The number of charedim serving in
    the IDF has risen dramatically in
    recent years. In 2010 only 300
    charedim served in the IDF, compared
    with about 9,000 today.”

    Rachmana Litzlan!
    Yet there are still those who choose to remain oblivious, and to simply ignore reality, by foolishly claiming that nothing has changed, and that its always been this way.

  2. It’s obvious that chareidi media has already been cooperating by including stupid (probably paid-for) posts that attempt to depict army service as normative and glorious, Matzav included. But an out-and-out campaign that can lure bochurim having a temporary down to leave yeshiva? Any chareidi media outlet whether printed or electronic that cooperates should most definitely be boycotted. And all of us chareidim addicted to these news outlets that are traitorous to Torah values should take a pre-Rosh Hashana kabbala to detox and go back to trying to fulfill Shivisi Hashem l’negdi somid and to focus on “ein od mildavo”.

  3. The IDF is already using chareidi media. Wasn’t it Matzav just yesterday how 150 Jews (no, not 150 thousand Jews) out of about 1/4 million Jewish soldiers made a siyum. Wow! And wasn’t it recently about women in combat units?

  4. As people grow up in Eretz Yisrael & desire a profession/career the easiest path to obtain employable traits is by joining the IDF & learning life skills.
    For frum young men, an environment that offers davening times, proper kashrut & learning opportunities without any females in sight – these Charedi battalions are perfect. Similar to trade/technical schools in tri-state area which combine learning & working plus in Israel doing national service (with $$$ allowances), of course the # are increasing.

    What would you imagine? Has zero to do with Charedi media or anything else – it’s work/career mode of majority of Yiddem in Europe, America & Middle East companies before 1940s.

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