IDF’s Hostage Envoy Criticizes The Government

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Major General Nitzan Alon, the IDF representative for negotiations to release hostages in Gaza, has voiced his criticisms of the government in private discussions with IDF officers.

Channel 12 News reported that Alon expressed his frustration, saying, “We are frustrated, there will be no deal with the makeup of this government. The deal I am pushing for will include the gradual return of all the hostages, and Hamas insists that it include the end of the fighting. I told the Prime Minister that it would be possible to return to fighting at any given moment.”

The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit responded to the report, clarifying that “Major General Nitzan Alon is working under the guidance of the political echelon to return the hostages. The quotes were taken out of context.”

The Prime Minister’s Office stated, “while Prime Minister Netanyahu has time and again given the negotiating team an extensive mandate to release our hostages, Sinwar continues to demand the end of the war, the withdrawal of the IDF from the Gaza Strip and leaving Hamas intact, so that it can carry out the atrocities of October 7 again and again.”

“Prime Minister Netanyahu vehemently opposes this. The briefings from the negotiating team only toughen Hamas’ position, hurt the families and make the release of our hostages more distant.”

National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir also weighed in, saying, “Nitzan Alon does not recognize the authority of the Israeli government to determine the policy of victory against Hamas.”

He further stated, “if Nitzan Alon has a problem with the composition of the government, he has a problem with the democratic system in which the people choose their representatives, and in which the military elements are subordinate to the political echelon, and not the other way around. In light of his serious remarks, he must not continue in his position – and the Prime Minister and Defense Minister must order the termination of his position.”

{ Israel}


  1. Hey fella, if ya can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen!
    Last week’s news reported how Egypt changed the deal it, as a mediator, presented. Qatar was relied upon!
    Egypt was relied upon! Neither have any interest to save a single Jew. Netanyahu does but people like you would be eager to move back to the borders of 57 years ago, today, pre’67 borders. This Sinwar skunk says openly that they will do another October 7th and you want to give him his wish to back out now and let him prepare to make good on that promise! You are wrong; dead wrong!

  2. Isn’t it funny? “voiced his criticisms of the government in private discussions.”
    Private disscussions? and it’s palstered all over the news? If it wouldn’t be so sad, I’d have a hard time stop laughing…
    Like their earlier failures, many of those responsible for the failures continue to tell us what’s good for us to do. How many hostages are still alive? Who holds them? Hamas is not the exclusive terror organization in Gaza. How can you strengthen your bargaining position when you consistantly show you’re willing to capitulate to the terrorists demands?
    But of course it’s all Bibi’s fault…
    ובכל זאת שמך לא שכחנו, נא אל תשכחנו
    Only Hashem is helping & protecting us.
    Thank you Hashem.

  3. Where does Israel get it’s negotiators from and which side are they on?

    One of Israel’s major “negotiators” during the Oslo Peace Accord deals is currently an anti-Israel activist living in London


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