Ignoring Social Distancing Rules Might Mean You’re Psycho, Study Says

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How people respond to pandemic health guidelines may be a quick way to see their true colors. A peer-reviewed study set to be published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science found that individuals with higher rates of “dark traits,” such as psychopathy, were more likely to purposefully disregard protocols intended to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

“It was clear from reports in the media very early in the COVID-19 pandemic that some people were rejecting advice to socially distance and engage in increased hygiene,” study author and director of the Personality Laboratory at Whitman College in Walla Walla, Washington, Pavel S. Blagov tells the PsyPost.

Those rejecting the social distancing advice, Blagov found, had higher rates of psychopathic personality features, including neuroticism, disinhibition (risk-taking) and meanness. Read more.



  1. I have a scientific study that states whoever follows the decree of social distancing like lemmings is a psycho.

  2. The studies in this report are fake as they have not gone to neighborhoods where social distancing were not practiced at all

    In other studies, those who observed social distancing are currently seeing a doctor, a psychiatrist, and are the reason for the sharp rise in coronavirus. The fact is that neighborhoods where social distancing were not practiced, hardly any cases of anyone having coronavirus were found.

  3. impugning people who have a different view on things than you, might mean that you are a crazed, power-hungry liberal. The science on all of this is very mixed at best, and contradictory at worst.
    The corrupt WHO has been leading the charge for all the rules, and can’t make up their mind on anything! Like not even if there is asymptomatic spread, which has been clinically proven in the USA.
    And now the scientist behind the computer model that gave us 2.2 million dead stat, says that new modeling shows that if we had not shut down but just taken precautions we would have had the same results.

  4. Wow!
    What an opportunity for lashon hara!
    “I read it in matzav.com that he is [you are] a psycho!!!”

    Only reading the small intro to the article, it is clear that that is not true. “Had higher rates” of psychopathic “traits” IS NOT a psychopath.

    This article is from doctors for doctors and does not use the word “psychopath” the way we do.

    Especially after the W.H.O. Organization retraction after retraction in just the last two days, and even Dr. Fauci who has been all over the place about mask usage for months
    (March: “it won’t help;”
    April: “you must;”
    May: I wear one to be a good citizen!”) …and the fact that the article is from a left wing state like Washington State which was responsible for over 1,000 nursing home deaths, this article should be removed because “peer reviewed” does not mean much. Again, especially after the “peer reviewed study” in the “prestigious Lancet” on the “dangers” of taking hydroxychloroquine, which has been used for 65 years without any major dangers, and was recently retracted ….


  5. The bigger concern is that those who’ve maintained social distancing, locked themselves up like criminals in their homes, wore masks, gloves, sanitized or soaped their hands or fingers when touching anything from groceries and handed over from other people are suffering now with OCD, depression, anxiety and relationship barriers. Will they ever get back to normal?

  6. Or it might mean you’re the Governor of New Jersey,
    or an activist protester or rioter or looter or vandal…
    but, yes, you just might be a psycho, as well…

  7. The WHO just obliterated every argument for mandatory vaccines or contact tracing by declaring asymptomatic carriers don’t spread COVID-19

    “From the data we have, it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual,” Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, head of WHO’s emerging diseases and zoonosis unit, said.

    Asymptomatic spread was the entire reason why world authorities demanded lockdowns, social distancing and masks, too. It was also the underlying justification for demanding mandatory vaccinations and contact tracing. After all, if the spread of coronavirus were limited to only those who obviously showed symptoms — and could therefore be easily identified and avoided — there would be no logical need for lockdowns, social distancing, masks, contact tracing or mandatory vaccines, since spreaders of the pandemic could be easily identified and avoided (or isolated with selective stay-at-home orders only for the symptomatic).

    All at once, the WHO has just exploded all these narratives that were so aggressively pushed by the CDC, Democrat governors, Dr. Fauci at the White House and even the WHO itself. Now, based on the WHO’s new admission, not only should every lockdown be immediately ended; any government effort to initiate new lockdowns should be vehemently rejected as being utterly groundless and anti-science.

    Now that the WHO is claiming there’s virtually no risk of catching the coronavirus from someone who isn’t showing any symptoms, mandatory vaccines are impossible to medically justify since symptomatic carriers can be easily identified and isolated from others.

    Simultaneously, the argument that the lockdowns need to continue “until there’s a vaccine” have just been decimated, too. In reality, the WHO just admitted that lockdowns aren’t necessary at all, except among those who are actively showing symptoms (which is a very tiny percentage of the population, probably far less than 1% on any given day).

    No symptoms means no risk of spread, according to the WHO, so checking for symptoms is now synonymous with achieving a safe workplace for all.

    It also means the occupancy limits at workplaces should be immediately lifted, allowing all gyms, bars, restaurants and movie theaters to operate at full capacity.

    Read the rest of the interesting report here:

    • Oh I see, WHO are criminals when they disagree with you and are reliable when you can twist their words into bad advice which may R”L get others infected? Then again, from people who don’t care for their own health, should I expect that they care about mine?

      You are right about contact tracing, it is now unnecessary. In USA and other countries, most people should now be considered exposed. Of course I am not discussing New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Iceland, or even China.

  8. It is very disappointing to read an article such as this in Matzav. Has anyone here done the research to know that social distancing has no basis in science? There are no studies proving they work. It is a practice that was borrowed from a teen who presented this idea at her science fair! And whoever doesn’t follow some childish unscientific idea is a psycho?
    Are we also planning to bow down to ideologies such as black lives matter or be named a psycho??

  9. Oh I see, WHO are criminals when they disagree with you and are reliable when you can twist their words into bad advice which may R”L get others infected? Then again, from people who don’t care for their own health, should I expect that they care about mine?

    You are right about contact tracing, it is now unnecessary. In USA and other countries, most people should now be considered exposed. Of course I am not discussing New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Iceland and others, or even China.

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