The prices have already been increased dramatically over the past few months! In order to share the burden, I think it would only be fair to meet somewhere in the middle. Until things settle, instead of them make the standard 35% profit (which for them would accumulate to millions of dollars a year) and financially drain the average middle class citizen (those who are not eligible for Food Stamps), perhaps they can lower their profit margin to 20% temporarily. I know that they have a “right” to make the same profit as in the past. If they want to insist on that, I think we should simply not purchase these items at those ridiculous prices. They can keep all their millions of yogurts for themselves.
If you’re not independent, ask your boss for a raise. The dollar is just worth some 20-30% less than 2 years ago. There is no indication that it’s going to turn back in the future. Get used to it as a dry fact.
J&J are making billions on their vaccine shot so why do they have to raise their price on cottage cheese? I’m not makpid on chalav stam, so I’ll buy my cottage cheese when Friendship or Breakstone has a sale. And that brings up a different issue. Why is it that the chalav yisroel and any of the heimishe companies NEVER have a sale on any of their products? Once in a blue moon, a kosher supermarket on its it’s own will run a sale on a tub of Mehadrin american cheese 84 count, or Gefen pickles in brine etc…but it NEVER comes from the company itself! Are the heimishe companies that arrogant and greedy? I guess when there is no competition and they hold the monopoly over the gullible sheeple consumer who apparently have no choice (chalav stam or Pepperidge Farm cookies will have their kids thrown out of yeshiva), they can do what they want with yenims yiddishe gelt and get away with it. For shame. Yesh din viyesh dayan.
Maybe Mehadrin is already working on your predetermined profit margin of 20% and the price is rising to keep it at the 20%? How do you know that did not already take your geoinus into consideration?
and to you: Normaleh mensch,
You can save even more money if you started not to being makpid on Glatt and go to just Kosher meats.
There is plenty of Kosher (Non Glatt) meats around for alot cheaper the the Glatt Stuff. Also not too many sales on Glatt meats. BTW: In deh Alteh heim they ate Kosher – Glatt was not on the table – It was the local Rov’s job to pasken if meat is Kosher or not. Not if its Glatt or not. So in order to save money go to the old old heimish way.
This guy is cutting his kashrut standards for a few cents. If he would know the issue with Cholov stam he would think twice. Thus, he can buy Kosher meat vs. glatt with the same ‘cheshbon”.
take this article off! this is ridiculous and not news. they need to run their company. all their costs have a also gone up. Mehadrin is a great company. very fine yidden.
Yeh, nebach. They must be struggling. They may have to sell their 8th home that they own, in Cancun. They won’t be able to go to Karister this winter. Oey what tzaros. Mamesh terrible. We always have to feel bad for the rich guys. Maybe we should start a fundraising campaign for them? I’ll start saying tehillim for the owners of these corporations immediately.
Tehillim you should say. However I know where one lives. Not even a whole house and he does not have 8 be shocked at more than one (if he has one).
Wow. So the editors at Matzav are hard at work censoring and feminizing peoples free speech. I didn’t know that one is not allowed to criticize a Company owned by Heimishe people. In other words, these companies can do no wrong. Aha. I hear.
Unfortunately, I have started to cut back on my purchases, as I simply cannot afford them.
The prices have already been increased dramatically over the past few months! In order to share the burden, I think it would only be fair to meet somewhere in the middle. Until things settle, instead of them make the standard 35% profit (which for them would accumulate to millions of dollars a year) and financially drain the average middle class citizen (those who are not eligible for Food Stamps), perhaps they can lower their profit margin to 20% temporarily. I know that they have a “right” to make the same profit as in the past. If they want to insist on that, I think we should simply not purchase these items at those ridiculous prices. They can keep all their millions of yogurts for themselves.
If you’re not independent, ask your boss for a raise. The dollar is just worth some 20-30% less than 2 years ago. There is no indication that it’s going to turn back in the future. Get used to it as a dry fact.
What percent is this increase?
J&J are making billions on their vaccine shot so why do they have to raise their price on cottage cheese? I’m not makpid on chalav stam, so I’ll buy my cottage cheese when Friendship or Breakstone has a sale. And that brings up a different issue. Why is it that the chalav yisroel and any of the heimishe companies NEVER have a sale on any of their products? Once in a blue moon, a kosher supermarket on its it’s own will run a sale on a tub of Mehadrin american cheese 84 count, or Gefen pickles in brine etc…but it NEVER comes from the company itself! Are the heimishe companies that arrogant and greedy? I guess when there is no competition and they hold the monopoly over the gullible sheeple consumer who apparently have no choice (chalav stam or Pepperidge Farm cookies will have their kids thrown out of yeshiva), they can do what they want with yenims yiddishe gelt and get away with it. For shame. Yesh din viyesh dayan.
Nisht Normaleh: do you really believe that the pharmaceutical company Johnson & Johnson and J J Cholov Yisroel are the same company???
Also, in the general world it’s almost always the stores that run sales, not the manufacturers.
J&J Dairy is NOT Johnson and Johnson so not sure what Billions you are referring to
Maybe Mehadrin is already working on your predetermined profit margin of 20% and the price is rising to keep it at the 20%? How do you know that did not already take your geoinus into consideration?
and to you: Normaleh mensch,
You can save even more money if you started not to being makpid on Glatt and go to just Kosher meats.
There is plenty of Kosher (Non Glatt) meats around for alot cheaper the the Glatt Stuff. Also not too many sales on Glatt meats. BTW: In deh Alteh heim they ate Kosher – Glatt was not on the table – It was the local Rov’s job to pasken if meat is Kosher or not. Not if its Glatt or not. So in order to save money go to the old old heimish way.
To Let’s Go Moola,
Thanks so much for your Geoinus Comments.
I happen to know this industry, and it’s not like you’re suggesting..
Unfortunately, there’s no reliable non-glatt mean in the US
Reb yid.
This guy is cutting his kashrut standards for a few cents. If he would know the issue with Cholov stam he would think twice. Thus, he can buy Kosher meat vs. glatt with the same ‘cheshbon”.
Do your research on the origins of glatt. You will start appreciating sticking to glatt and wont even hear the uneducated naysayer professionals.
take this article off! this is ridiculous and not news. they need to run their company. all their costs have a also gone up. Mehadrin is a great company. very fine yidden.
Yeh, nebach. They must be struggling. They may have to sell their 8th home that they own, in Cancun. They won’t be able to go to Karister this winter. Oey what tzaros. Mamesh terrible. We always have to feel bad for the rich guys. Maybe we should start a fundraising campaign for them? I’ll start saying tehillim for the owners of these corporations immediately.
Tehillim you should say. However I know where one lives. Not even a whole house and he does not have 8 be shocked at more than one (if he has one).
didnt the [mehadrin ]yogurts get smaller recently? 8 oz to 6 oz?
Yes, I noticed that as well. J & J changed the entire label on their coffee yogurt and reduced the amount of oz’s
This news/artical has made me lactose intolerant.
Wow. So the editors at Matzav are hard at work censoring and feminizing peoples free speech. I didn’t know that one is not allowed to criticize a Company owned by Heimishe people. In other words, these companies can do no wrong. Aha. I hear.