Iran’s President Rouhani Warns Trump: ‘We Will Take Revenge’

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Iran has reacted with fury to the killing of its top military commander Qassem Soleimani—and has vowed to strike back. The Pentagon announced in a statement late Thursday that it had killed Soleimani in a strike “aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans.” Iranian President Hassan Rouhani wrote in a tweet early Friday that his country will continue to fight against “terrorism and extremism” and said: “The path of resistance to U.S. excesses will continue.” Rouhani went on to warn President Trump that “Iran will take revenge for this heinous crime.”

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said that the United States “bears responsibility for all the consequences” for the deadly airstrike. “The U.S. act of international terrorism, targeting and assassinating General Soleimani—THE most effective force fighting Daesh (ISIS), Al Nusrah, Al Qaeda et al—is extremely dangerous and a foolish escalation,” Zarif said in a tweet Thursday. Read more.



  1. Revenge? And if we leave you alone then what? U will act like civil human beings? Highly unlikely because you don’t know how

  2. Bring it on Iran… Let’s all refer to the end of 4th Tosfos on daf Bais amud Bais in Avodah Zarah. The end is near for Iran (Paras) and Mashiach is around the corner! Kain Yehi Ratzon!!!

  3. This is the dilemma Israel faces every time they eliminate a high-ranking terrorist. The terrorists vow revenge and try their hardest to strike back, unfortunately sometimes succeeding in inflicting casualties. But what choice do we have? Allow the terrorist – in this case General Soleimani, in another case Sheik Yassis – to continue plotting attacks that result in the deaths of countless innocents? We MUST fight back, do our hishtadlus as far as security, and daven for our safety.

  4. This ragheaded terrorist ayatoilet barks like a dog without teeth. He acts this way because his mother was a pig and his father was a monkey. Bad combo.


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