Is Andrew Cuomo Gearing Up to Run For NYC Mayor?

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Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has reportedly been courting key union leaders for support, a sign he may be planting seeds for a potential New York City mayoral run.

The New York Daily News reported that Cuomo has been in frequent conversation with labor leaders over what he believes are failures of both city and state policy, and has floated the possibility of running in the Democratic primary for mayor. However, sources told the Daily News that Cuomo would still like to avoid running directly against current mayor Eric Adams, and it’s unclear when Cuomo might launch his mayoral campaign.

Yet if Adams drops out—the mayor is facing an assault accusation in addition to an investigation over an alleged straw donor scheme—sources say Cuomo would likely seize the chance to launch his bid.

For now, though, Cuomo seems to be biding his time laying the foundation for his political comeback. “He’s largely just staying on top of people and trying to reaffirm that he’d be the goliath in the race,” a source told Daily News. Read more. 


  1. The operative question is not whether Cuomo runs, it’s whether the Repugnant Party can or any party can defeat and Democrud?

  2. Andrew Cuomo is a foul and disgusting individual. This is a frum site, so I won’t recount his offences and abuses here, but they’re pretty awful. His father would’ve been ashamed of him. He should never, ever be in a position of power over anybody.


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