Israel: 42 Children Reported Missing on School Trip Found Safe

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42 children in 5th thru 8th grade who were reported missing earlier today during a school trip in Nachal Og near the Yam Hamelach were located safe and sound tonight.

The children were not found all together.

About half were immediately rescued, while the others were spotted by a drone and rescue forces then made their way over to them.

Once the children were reunited, they were given some food, as well as blankets on this chilly night.

{ Israel}


  1. Baruch Hashem they are okay. I have no idea what happened here but I have heard many, many hair raising stories of negligence on school trips, like failing to make sure everyone was on the bus before leaving and kids being left in totally unsafe places. We use up our zechusim when we are negligent and only by the chesed of Hashem is it that more disasters don’t happen.

    • It’s interesting and perhaps should teach us one lesson. That no matter how much precaution you take this can still happen. The process and permits and certification you need to make a trip like this here is endless. They need a Chovesh, a guy with a gun maybe two. Every step and part of the trip gets an approval; perhaps thats the reason they were able to be located because their permit stated they were in the area.. All this to get permission for a trip and this still happens; one word: BASHERT!!!!!!!!!!


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