Israel Begins Dismantling Bridge in Meron Where Lag Ba’omer Tragedy Occurred

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Yesterday, Israel’s Real Estate Enforcement Authority began dismantling Gesher Dov, the bridge in Meron near the kever of Rav Shimon Bar Yochai is located. That is the spot where the unspeakable Lag Ba’omer tragedy occurred, claiming the lives of 45 precious Jews.

This demolition is a portion of the preparations and changes being made in advance of the coming Lag Ba’omer.

{ Israel}


  1. It’s nice that people just love running to kevorim, but how about running to Gedolim and Tzaddikim that are alive and well, with us today?! We B”H have Talmedie Chachomim alive that we should follow and get close to. Enough with this obsession of those who were nifter already. Running all over the world, to this kever and that kever. Lo zu haderech. Don’t worry about them. They are in a lichtigeh gan Eden already. Get to know TODAY’S Gedolim, Rosh Yeshivos, Rebbe’s, mashbiem, Rosh chaburas, those that are amul batorah mitoch hatchak, etc…!

    • The ones who are no longer with us, unlike the living gedolim, aren’t going to give the visitor any mussar, or demand lifestyle changes to obtain a beracha. They also won’t engage the petitioner in a learned discussion. Therefore, it’s actually easier to travel to Poland or the Ukraine, than to walk over few short blocks …..
      Kevorim hopping has become both an obsession and a big business, just as segulos shopping is both a lifestyle and a financial opportunity.


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