Israel: New Generous Plan Aimed at Ousting Older Men From Kollel

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Israel’s Education Ministry informed yeshivos and kollelim of a seemingly generous new plan — to pay yungeleit who have learned three years or more and who are exempt from the army a full government stipend for only 20 hours of learning a month instead of the 35 hours required at present.

The Vaad Hayeshivos responded with a sharply worded letter, saying it was obvious “that the purpose of the change is to encourage yungeleit to leave kollelim and integrate in the work market, something the Finance Ministry has been trying to achieve for the past decade.”

“The suggested change will create a very strange situation,” the Vaad wrote. “A person will be able to work eight hours a day and learn in the afternoon in a kollel.”

{ Israel}


  1. Headline makes no sense. This is not “ousting” anyone from Kollel. If they leave Kollel it is a personal decision that they feel is best for them. I’m all for learning in Kollel for all that feel that it is their calling (such as myself), and they are being productive. For such people there is nothing that comes close to the experience. But for those who are not immersed in Torah, it is a prison.

    • It’s the same strategy used by the age-gap hustlers. Get the bachur to slam shut his gemorah at 18 in order to marry a 16 year old maidel. Sick evil hoax scam.

  2. what is wrong with this idea? those who wish to learn full-time will continue to do so, and those who desire to do otherwise will do as they feel. this is the way Klal Yisroel l lived throughout their existence Not everybody learned full time the Simla Chadasha who is said about him Halacha kimoso bichul makom the bais efraim lived in such an existence therefore some will grow more in Torah if they work part time instead of learning full time and besides if people in foreign want people from Israel to be religious functionaries they will be forced to pay more which would benefit the people of Israel

  3. I mamash do not see the issue. is this a cult that all must stay in Kollel. I also am very proud of my children who learn in kollel but I do not understand why helping someone even if he has just kovia ittim. That is true that they want to get people to leave kollel. But people who want to leave anyway but did not have the ability financially will now be able to support their family. Even though the I sraeli government do hate Torah, but what they are doing here does not seems so bad after all. Please explain if and why you disagree

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