Israel Prepares To Reopen Eateries, Institutes New Sanitation Measures

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Israel’s Ministry of Health, Ministry of Economy and Industry, and companies in the restaurant industry are slated to sit around the table today to discuss how to ease open bars and eateries after two months of closure as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

The Ministry of Economy and Industry is expected to present a plan to reopen restaurants that would include a questionnaire for workers about possible symptoms, taking temperatures, sanitizing surfaces, providing hygiene products and instituting social distancing, according to a report in the Israeli business daily Globes on Tuesday.

Shops and malls have already begun operating.

Similar to those outlets, restaurants and cafes will be required to post at their entrances the number of people allowed in at any given time.

Additional measures for the food industry and similar businesses, according to the report, would include washing dishes at a high temperature, sanitizing tables and chairs between customers, and only setting tables once diners have sat down.

Other regulations would require garbage bags to be removed when they become three-quarters full and trying to keep a set group of workers on the same shift. JNS.ORG

{ Israel}


  1. Jerusalem Post – May 8, 2020
    Benjamin Netanyahu suggested microchipping kids as they return to school and then onto the adults and eventually to the entire world. In other words, his plan is for governments to keep track of everyone and to control the people. Which is exactly what the new House Resolution 6666, The TRACE (Testing, Reaching and Contacting Everyone) Act is all about.

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