Israeli Finance Minister Calls for Ending Covid Green Pass

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i24 News Israel’s Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman has called to end the country’s Green Pass system.

“There is no medical and epidemiological logic in the Green Pass, and many experts agree,” he wrote on Twitter.

“What there is, is a direct damage to the economy, daily functioning and in addition a significant contribution to panic among the public. I am working with all parties to eliminate the Green Pass and maintain a normal routine for all of us.”

The Green Pass is proof that its holder is vaccinated for Covid, recovered, or recently tested negative.

Health officials and experts, including Health Ministry Director-General Prof. Nachman Ash, say that inoculation and recovery offer some form of protection, noting that the Green Pass should be kept in place, The Jerusalem Post reported.

During an interview with FM103 Radio earlier Tuesday, Ash warned that daily cases would increase in the coming week, noting that severe cases ending up in hospitalization are also rising, but that the increase in severe patients is slowing down.

Health Ministry data showed that 498 were people hospitalized for Covid in serious condition on Tuesday.

However, the data dashboard has not been updated in two days, the Health Ministry citing technical problems.

As of Monday, the amount of verified Covid patients stood at 65,259.

{ Israel}



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