Israeli Journalist ‘Horrified’ After Interviewing ISIS Fighters About Bloodthirsty Terror Tactics

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Israeli journalist Itai Anghel said in a radio interview last week that it was “horrifying” to hear about terrorist tactics and their graphic details described to him by captured ISIS fighters he spoke with while in Iraq and Syria.

Anghel spent a week in each country, staying in the Kurdish-held territories to report on ISIS for the Israeli television show Uvdah. He interviewed ISIS fighters captured by Kurdish forces about acts they committed as members of the terrorist group, including beheadings, as well as their stance on Jews and Israel. Some of the captives were blindfolded during their interviews with Anghel and none of them knew that the reporter was Israeli.

“One of them said that he deliberately uses a knife which is not the sharpest knife because he wants the beheading process to take longer and to inflict more pain and more suffering on his victim,” Anghel told Israel’s TLV1 Radio this week about his conversations with ISIS militants. “And you hear it and you see his face and he’s absolutely cold and technical in the way he’s telling it. It was something beyond any logic… Even with all my experience.”

Anghel, who was once an editor for Israeli Army Radio, previously reported from Croatia, Bosnia, Pakistan, Rwanda, Afghanistan, Egypt and Tunisia, among other places. He has visited Iraq four times and Syria twice. He told TLV1 Radio that during his trips he met James Foley, the American journalist who was captured and then decapitated by ISIS fighters in August.

When Anghel asked the ISIS militants how they felt about killing people, one said he was apathetic while another replied that he felt joyous because “I was killing infidels.” Anghel said the militants go through a very intensive brainwashing process of Shariah, the Islamic law, and they come out on the other side truly believing that God wants them to kill infidels. He told TLV1 Radio “they feel very complete with themselves.”

Contrary to what many Israelis believe, ISIS was not created specifically with the intent of destroying the Jewish state, Anghel told the radio station.

“Israel is one of their targets but it’s not their main target,” he said. He explained that an ISIS militant told him “we have to kill anyone who captures our lands. You did it, so you deserve to die.”

The Algemeiner Journal

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