Israeli Study: Antibodies Perform Best After COVID Infection, Not Vaccine

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Over time, the number of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies falls in both previously infected and vaccinated people, but the performance of antibodies improves only after previous infection and not vaccination.

This groundbreaking finding, led by Dr. Carmit Cohen of Israel’s Sheba Medical Center, will be presented at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases in April.

The researchers found that the number of antibodies present a month after vaccination was higher than in patients who had recovered from COVID-19. However, these numbers declined more steeply in the vaccinated group.

While the avidity (antibody performance quality) index was higher in vaccinated individuals than in recovered patients initially, avidity did not significantly change over time in vaccinated individuals but increased gradually in recovered patients.

The study also found that, contrary to expectations, antibodies of recovered patients with a body-mass index of 30 or higher (in the obese range) were higher at all time points when compared with those with a BMI under 30 (overweight to normal weight range). The obese people who had been previously infected were therefore better protected against future infection.

Of all recovered patients, 42 (36%) experienced long COVID, including mental health (5%), neurological (9%), cardiovascular (5%) and respiratory (31%) symptoms.

The authors conclude: “While the number of antibodies decreases with time in both COVID-19 recovered patients and vaccinated individuals, the quality of antibodies increases following infection but not after vaccination. These results provide specific characteristics of the immune response that may explain the differential protection against COVID-19 in previously infected and vaccinated individuals.”

This article was first published by Israel21c.

{ Israel}


  1. Normal people have been saying this all along. Why these governments have been forcing innocent citizens who already had natural antibodies, to take vaccines, is crime of epic proportions. Those responsible for these mandates should be charged in the Hague with war crimes. That includes Anthony Fauci.

    • Covid has a 99.98% or so survival rate.

      That’s even with safe and effective therapeutics being arbitrarily banned (other than monoclonals, for which they could charge lots of money) and disregarding what went on in hospitals and long-term care centers early on (and beyond).

      Long Covid isn’t relevant here because the shots officially don’t stop anyone from getting Long Covid.

  2. Headlines make no sense because you can only get covid after taking the vaccine. Those who never took the vax, never had covid. They might have been hospitalized due to pneumonia or asphyxiation caused by lack of oxygen from masks, but it was not covid even though the cruel doctors tried to scare them into believing it’s covid.

    Was antibodies ever a problem before the covid hoax? Did they ever take an antibody test before the 2020 covid hoax?

  3. And is it worth the risk of getting very ill with Covid, or dying therefrom, only to get a somewhat better immunity for the second round?
    Surviving smallpox conferred a lifelong protection, for those 50% who managed to live through it. Staying alive after contracting tetanus (less than 10% survival) alleviated the necessity of booster shots every decade. So what?
    Notice that the quantity and quality of antibodies were found to be much better in obese people, the very ones who had the greatest risk of dying from the infection itself. Would you tell those individuals that they are better off living through Covid, because AFTERWARDS, if they live through it, yada yada yada?

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