IT’S A MIRACLE: CNN Fact-Checker Disappears From Air Post-Trump

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CNN fact-checker Daniel Dale was one of the busiest people in the cable news business for several years, but he has almost completely disappeared from the network’s programming over the past month or so. What happened?

Dale became a veritable household name among cable news viewers during Trump’s presidency after his work for the Toronto Star, tallying and debunking false or misleading statements by Trump, landed him a national gig with CNN.

Since joining CNN in June of 2019, Dale has appeared or been mentioned on the network more than once every other day on average, according to the Internet Archive.

That exposure dropped sharply after November 4, and according to the TV Eyes media monitoring database, since President Joe Biden’s inauguration on January 20, Dale has only appeared on the network once. And that appearance, last Friday, was to fact-check Donald Trump’s lawyers.

Read more at Mediaite.



  1. Moral of the story: Never take a job as a fact checker for a mainstream media outlet during a Republican administration, unless you are confident the Republicans will retain the presidency for a long period of time, or unless you are only seeking a short-term job.

    • Did you forget to hit the snooze button again? THE PEDOPHILE BIDEN is never or ever going to be called out by the lame stream media. You only have about 2 or 3 so called right leaning media personnel covering the white house. And they hardly have a voice

    • Called out by whom? Conservative sources maybe, but the so-called “mainstream media” go through contortion to explain why what Biden said is not what it seems (or doesn’t matter) – and those apologetics are what you mis-characterize as “called out”.

    • Impossible that Biden should ever make a mistake. He is a natural born leader. I know this first hand as I fought alongside side him on the killing fields of Vietnam and Cambodia. Joe always took the lead in fighting the enemy. He risked his life for this Nation.

  2. Oh Common man…if that was the case…there would be fact checkers every minute of every waking hour on the news…the guys is a practical gaffe maker….

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