It’s Never Too Late: 100-Year-Old Ties the Knot

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For pretty much anyone, reaching 100 years is a cause for celebration. For Avraham Nachum, the occasion also motivated him to marry Bella, despite her being more than 30 years his junior.

Arutz Sheva reports that the ceremony took place in the courtyard of a small shul in Maale Adumim with young yeshiva students helping create the festive atmosphere. A painter and sculptor by trade who says his works were always motivated by biblical themes, Avraham welcomed the chance to embrace the path of his biblical namesake, who similarly waited until late in life to start a family.

{ Israel}


  1. Mazel tov! Wishing them a lot of happiness!


    It’s friday morning and someone wants to buy life insurance. It’s a complicated matter: the man is 85.
    “Please, let me close for Shabbos, come back next week”
    “Impossible! I am getting married on Monday and my kallah says she’ll call it off unless I have life insurance.”
    “Oh! Mazel tov. Come Sunday, I’ll open the office for you.”
    “Impossible! Have to attend the chasuna, my father is getting married.”
    “Your father? How old is he?”
    “He is 108 bli ayin hara”
    “!!! mazeltov! Wow! 108 and he still wants to get married!!!!!!”
    “if he WANTS, I am not sure. But you see, he MUST….”

  2. “Avraham welcomed the chance to embrace the path of his biblical namesake, who similarly waited until late in life to start a family.”
    Someone believes he’s still living in the ripe old days of our forefathers..

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