James Comer: Biden Will Go Down As The Most ‘Corrupt And Compromised’ President In U.S. History

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Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., says the Biden family has sold millions of dollars worth of access on ‘Hannity.’



  1. While Biden will go down as Obama’s VP, the US sheeple will go down as the biggest dummies of the US history for being able to be fooled for 4 years with a fake president.

  2. Comer, Jordan, Hannity & Co. keep saying stuff like that, but have come up with absolutely zero evidence. So far, Donald Trump is still the unchallenged title holder for most corrupt president in history.

    • The nearly two-year special counsel investigation of Russian election interference led by Robert Mueller cost nearly $32 million in total, a new filing shows.
      The expenditures report, shared with CNBC by the Department of Justice on Friday, covers the final eight months of the probe, in which the special counsel spent about $6.56 million. About $4.12 million of that was spent through the special counsel’s office directly, and $2.44 million came from DOJ components that supported Mueller’s office.


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