Joe Lieberman: Schumer’s Call to Oust Netanyahu ‘Outrageous’

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Former Senator Joe Lieberman, an Independent from Connecticut, criticized Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s involvement in Israeli politics, deeming it “outrageous” and beyond acceptable boundaries. Lieberman, who serves as the founder and chair of No Labels, expressed his concerns during an appearance on “The Cats Roundtable” on WABC 770 AM-N.Y., as reported by The Hill. He remarked, “For a U.S. senator, let alone a majority leader, let alone the highest-ranking Jewish elected official in Washington, to tell Israelis that it’s time to get rid of [Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu], that’s outrageous.” Lieberman highlighted the unprecedented nature of Schumer’s actions.

Furthermore, Lieberman argued that this situation underscores a disparity in how Democrats view Israel compared to other close allies. He suggested that while it’s unimaginable for Schumer or President Joe Biden to call for the removal of the British prime minister, they have intervened in Israeli politics. Lieberman speculated that such actions would provoke widespread outrage. He specifically criticized Schumer’s recent Senate address, where he asserted that Netanyahu had “lost his way,” characterizing it as a “mistake.”

Schumer’s remarks in the Senate centered on his belief that Netanyahu’s conservative leadership no longer aligns with Israel’s best interests. Schumer asserted, “However, I also believe Prime Minister Netanyahu has lost his way by allowing his political survival to take the precedence over the best interests of Israel.” He pointed out the significant changes in the global landscape since Netanyahu’s tenure began, suggesting that Israel needs a leadership vision that reflects current realities.

In response to Schumer’s statements, Netanyahu’s spokeswoman, Tal Heinrich, emphasized Israel’s sovereignty and democratic principles. Heinrich stressed that Israel operates as a democracy where citizens choose their leaders, and interference in internal politics from external entities is unwelcome. She emphasized that the current unity government, led by Netanyahu, reflects the desires of the Israeli populace, particularly in its stance against terrorism and its commitment to national security.

Heinrich also reiterated Israel’s rejection of a Palestinian terrorist state and its determination to achieve a decisive victory over Hamas. She emphasized that Hamas, not Israel, poses a threat to peace in the region. Heinrich echoed Schumer’s sentiments regarding the impediments to peace, attributing them to Palestinian terrorism and their refusal to recognize Israel’s legitimacy. Drawing parallels to the aftermath of 9/11, Heinrich underscored the importance of global unity in combating terrorism and reaffirmed Israel’s commitment to defending its sovereignty against threats.



  1. Will biden or schumer speak that way to putin who threatens US with nuclear war? Or Kim Jong Un? Xi Jinping? Ebrahim Raisi?Abdel Fattah El-Sisi Bashar al-Assad? Or do they give millions to the mullahs….
    Oh israel is an easy target. An “ally?”. Like obumba got israels back! stabbed them in the back everytime.

    biden quotes numbers supplied by hamas without question. israel the most just army tells the enemy we are going to bomb you leave?

    they had peace and a ceasefire 10/6 and the enemy started the war. free the poor hostages.
    evil upon evil

    why the world doesnt call out hamas for stealing aid. hiding behind children and civilians. using $ donated to create terror tunnels.

    • Biden, Schumer, Shiff, Nadler, Obama…………all the same garbage. All democRATs elected with Jewish blood & money. When are we going to realize that when you elect a democRAT, ANY democRAT, they will eventually turn against you. DEMOCRAT = Dirty Egotistical Members Of Congress, Reshoim Against Torah!!!

  2. What’s ridiculous is that he doesn’t know anything about elections in Israel. It’s a time consuming process that can’t be undertaken while there’s a war going on.

    • What’s ridiculous is that Netanyahu was ousted and replaced a few years ago with an Arab Ashmedai. Look at the pictures and you’ll see for yourself.

  3. Joe, neither NY Senator is a Javits or a Moynihan. They’re not even a D’Amato. Schumer swings in the wind depending on which way the popularity polls run. Even as an Assemblyman he was seated firmly on the fence. If not for television, not one of these pretty boys and gals would have a position in the Congress. We have met the enemy, and he is us.

  4. Joe Lieberman was the rarest of politicians while he was in office – a mentsch.
    Schumer is the commonest type of politician, i.e. a politician.

    • Yes,……..but he also was a big supporter of toaiva legislation and even walked on Shabbos to the signing ceremony. Let’s not paint everything this democrat did as a grosser tzaddik.
      Overall Lieberman has a pro-choice voting record, and in 2007 he received a grade of 100 from the abortion rights organization NARAL Pro-Choice America. While running in the Democratic primaries in the 2004 presidential election, Lieberman said that as president he would “follow a policy that makes abortion safe, rare and legal.”
      Lieberman voted no on a constitutional ban of same-sex marriage.[40] In 2003, in response to the Massachusetts ruling that sanctions gay marriage, Lieberman stated “although I am opposed to gay marriage, I have also long believed that states have the right to adopt for themselves laws that allow same-sex unions”, and “I will oppose any attempts by the right wing to change the Constitution in response to today’s Massachusetts Supreme Court ruling, which would be unnecessary and divisive”.
      Lieberman cosponsored the Domestic Partners Benefits and Obligations act of 2009, which will provide the same benefits to same-sex domestic partners of federal employees as spouses currently have. In 1996, Lieberman cosponsored the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which would prohibit employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. Lieberman has adopted a non-discriminatory policy in employment decisions, which include sexual orientation and gender.
      Bikitzur, the guy is a lowlife piece of democrat garbage.

  5. Isn’t it intriguing that Joe Z”L died 10 day after crossing Schumer, who happed to warn Trump about crossing Intel agencies?

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