Johnson & Johnson Says It Could Have Coronavirus Vaccine Ready by Early 2021

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Johnson & Johnson says it could have a COVID-19 vaccine available by early 2021 with the capability to produce as many as a billion doses. In a press release, the company says it’s planning to start clinical trials in September and has begun investing in a rapid production capability to make the vaccine at scale should it prove safe and effective.

Johnson & Johnson began work on a possible vaccine in January and has now selected a lead candidate vaccine and two backups which will enter early production phases to prepare for the expected overwhelming demand. If early trials validate the company’s vaccine, the company would need an emergency use authorization from the FDA to begin providing the vaccine. Read more at Johnson & Johnson.



    • It is very probable that their intention of making this announcement now is to try to improve their stock value. At the same time though, we can well assume that they most definitely are actually working on making some kind of vaccine, in order to, of course, rake in infinitely even more $$$$$$$$ from its massive proceeds.

  1. No need for Coronavirus vaccine because this hoax will be over by the end of April – or sooner. Next year it’ll be back to the common flu for which idiots take flu shots.

    • Also very well put!! Yes, we certainly must beg HaKodesh Boruch Hu to please end this hyper-nightmare long before the end of April.

      While, of course, Flu Shots are total absolute garbage — as are all vaccinations — I would not call the people who take them or any other vaccination “idiots.” Instead, what is occurring is that, literally, from all directions — their doctor, the media, the government, the CDC, the school admission rules, the community center admission rules — they are constantly being massively saturated with the thick propaganda of the modern-medical-pharmaceutical-Rockefeller-United-Nations-Bill-Gates-population-reduction-industrial-complex, Yimach Shemo V’Zichro. So, very tragically, it is completely understandable that they will think that “Getting their Flu Shot” & “Getting all their (vaccine) shots” is what they must do to keep well.

      • Yes. What’s going to happen, is that, once a vaccine comes out and is “approved” by the corrupt CDC and FDA, they will make it mandatory for every citizen to take it. Then we will have the growing group of those of us who will refuse to take it. Then all the name calling will start all over again. Rodef, rotziach, michallel shem shomayim, reckless, causing anti semitism, etc etc… Then the mosrim will start pressuring Yeshivos to close, kick out kids who didn’t take the vaccine, no Bris Milah invitee’s, pasul lieidus, etc etc…
        Btw, what ever happened to the shrecklach measles epidemic that ravaged our communities? Huh? Nu nu, now we can honestly say it was government created fake news.


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