Jordan’s King Abdullah Seeks To Prevent Jewish Prayer On Har Habayis

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king-abdullah-ii-of-jordanKing Abdullah II and other Jordanian government officials are working to prevent the Israeli Knesset from passing a bill that would permit Jews to pray on the Temple Mount, the Palestinian Ma’an News Agency reported Tuesday.

In a meeting with Norwegian Foreign Minister Borge Brende earlier this week, Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh warned that “Israeli violations” in Jerusalem were undermining the peace process.

“Such flagrant and aggressive attacks will drag the region into a religious conflict that will subvert the peace prospects and fuel extremism, terrorism and violence in the region,” Judeh was quoted as saying by Jordan’s Petra news agency.


{ Israel}


  1. This Shabbos Jews should make mishaberachs for the President of the USofA and the King of Jordan in all shuls in the whole world except for on the Har Habayis,(Where Jews can’t Daven-That will show them!)

  2. Why should we send Jordan water from the kinneret? Why are we running a gas pipeline to Jordan? Why does Israel allow tourism to Jordan? Did we forget what Jordan did to the kotel till the 67′ war. There were 30 feet of garbage piled high against the Kotel. When Isis infiltrates Jordan, let them go to their brothers. Looks like eysav and yishmael are getting along just fine.

  3. This little pipsqueak is a spoiled brat. Its HIS Country that has the responsibility to take care of those poor downtrodden Palestinians.

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