Justin Trudeau Says Raucous ‘Freedom Convoy’ Trucker Protest ‘Has To Stop,’ As Court Says No More Honking

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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the raucous “Freedom Convoy” protest by truckers and their supporters across the city of Ottawa “has to stop,” as a judge on Monday imposed a temporary ban on honking.

“Canadians have the right to protest, to disagree with their government, and to make their voices heard. We’ll always protect that right,” Trudeau tweeted Monday, adding that protesters do not “have the right to blockade our economy, or our democracy, or our fellow citizens’ daily lives.”

“It has to stop,” he said, as officers worked to regain control of the capital, towing vehicles, seizing fuel and attempting to disband, what Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly has called a “siege” and an “unlawful” blockade.

As big rigs and other vehicles continue to block crucial downtown arteries in Ottawa in protest of vaccine mandates, coronavirus restrictions and Trudeau – snarling traffic, blaring their horns and fraying residents’ nerves – hundreds of tickets have been issued for “demonstration-related offenses.” They include “excessive honking,” driving in the wrong direction and having alcohol “readily available,” police said.

At least 60 investigations into thefts, possible hate crimes and property damage have been launched, police have said. Numerous arrests “for mischief,” have also been made, Ottawa police said Sunday after a state of emergency was declared by Mayor Jim Watson in the capital city.

Judge Hugh McLean of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice on Monday granted a temporary injunction to stop the protesters from honking their horns at all hours in a central area of Ottawa, which the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation described as “north of . . . the city’s main east-west artery.”

The injunction says that for 10 days, which started on Monday, “Freedom Convoy” participants cannot honk their horns as part of their protest against coronavirus vaccine mandates and Trudeau.

The injunction is part of a proposed class-action lawsuit filed on behalf of 21-year-old local resident Zexi Li against organizers of the “Freedom Convoy” and participants who, the suit claims, are harming those who live near their protest by “using air horns and train horns on their vehicles in a concerted manner as a protest tactic.”

The suit alleges that the honking has caused Li “significant mental distress, suffering and torment,” as well as other residents of “the six-block radius around the main protest streets.”

According to local media, McLean said at the hearing on Monday where he granted the temporary injunction that the apparent harm caused to residents by the honking outweighed the protesters’ right to air their grievances in that particular way.

“Tooting a horn is not an expression of any great thought I’m aware of,” he said.

Videos posted on social media by locals and journalists showed a relatively quiet downtown Ottawa Monday night.

The protests, which kicked off last month as truckers and their supporters denounced coronavirus restrictions and vaccine mandates quickly snowballed into chaos – with roads blocked, national monuments defaced and angry calls for Trudeau to resign. Demonstrators also set up a blockade to disrupt the flow of goods through a crossing on the U.S.-Canada border.

Canada and the United States announced last year that they would require truck drivers entering their respective countries to be fully vaccinated. Canada implemented its measure Jan. 15, while the U.S. requirement started on Jan. 22. Most cross-border trade between the two countries occurs over land.

(c) 2022, The Washington Post · Annabelle Timsit, Jennifer Hassan 



    • Very well put!! An extremely “mild” parable is that of a child who sneaks in and puts his hand into the cookie jar. When his good father sees him doing this, to teach his son what is the Derech HaTorah – what is the RIGHT WAY to live, CORRECTLY takes him and starts spanking him! So, the boy shouts to his father: “Daddy!! Stop spanking me!!” So, the father COORECTLY retorts to him: “When YOU stop putting your hand into the cookie jar, then I will stop spanking you!!”

    • Very well put!! An extremely “mild” parable is that of a child who sneaks in and puts his hand into the cookie jar. When his good father sees him doing this, to teach his son what is the Derech HaTorah – what is the RIGHT WAY to live, CORRECTLY takes him and starts spanking him! So, the boy shouts to his father: “Daddy!! Stop spanking me!!” So, the father CORRECTLY retorts to him: “When YOU stop putting your hand into the cookie jar, then I will stop spanking you!!”

  1. More fake news spin by the Washington Compost.
    The Prime Minister of Canada has announced to the whole world that his country is NOT a free one. No opposition is allowed. No freedom to gather. No demonstrations are allowed. The PM does NOT represent his constituents. Trudeau is too busy making passes at Ivanka Kushner than to care about his own constituents.

  2. The demonstrations do NOT have to stop and should NOT stop. What needs to stop are Canada’s (and all other country’s) illegal persecution and control of their citizens with all these illegal mandates!

  3. Please see my remarks at Matzav’s earlier writeup of this situation titled “Ottawa Mayor Declares Emergency Over ‘Out of Control’ Anti-Vax Trucker Protests,” where I pointed out that the numerous video recordings of the trucker protests clearly show that they are the EXACT OPPOSITE of all the “raucous” and “dangerous” and full of “hate” descriptions that the wicked government and mainstream media have said about them.

  4. To use the super cliché, it is “very interesting” that Mr. Trudeau and his cohorts are so appalled that the truckers have put Ottawa under “siege” and “blockade” and have made a “blockade” on the nation’s “economy” and “citizen’s daily lives.” Yes, this is very interesting, and it is actually infinitely MORE than just “very interesting”; it is the EPITOME of hypocrisy and audacity.

    “Siege???” “Blockade???” “Blockading the economy???” “Blockading citizen’s daily lives???”


    For these last two years, because of this very, very, very, very dangerous, deadly Covid
    Pandemic, the modern world’s “official” Medical & Governmental (so-called) “Establishment” — of which Trudeau & Co. is a main part — strictly ordered that we must all be under siege in our houses and blockaded from leaving them. They called this “Lockdowns” because that is what Lockdowns are: Being under siege in our houses and blockaded from leaving them.

    Then, doctors saw that there ARE cures for Covid: Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Ivermectin, Zinc, Chlorine Dioxide, Colloidal Silver, so we DO NOT need to Lockdown!! But the “Establishment” retorted: “Those are NO GOOD!” “HCQ, NO GOOD!” “Colloidal Silver, NO GOOD!” “Ivermectin, NO GOOD!” “You can ONLY Lock Down!” “Lockdown!” “Lockdown!” “Lockdown!”

    All Locked Down: Countless small businesses were destroyed. Countless families were destroyed. Countless lives were destroyed. Countless people committed suicide, Rachmana Litzlan.

  5. Then, the great day arrived: the holy inoculation of the vaccine — actually, there were four of them — for Covid came out. But pretty quickly, more and more and more reports of horror began coming in of countless people who, within just a few days or even just a few minutes of getting their shot, were paralyzed or got convulsions that would not stop or got huge strange blood clots or died in massive heart attacks or died in massive strokes. So, vast numbers of citizens have announced: “We do not want this vaccine; it maims and kills people!!”

    But the official establishment retorted: “NO!” “NO!” “NO!” “That is ‘Misinformation’!” “That is ‘Tinfoil Hat’ website ‘Conspiracy Theories’!” “If you do not want a Lockdown anymore, you must take the vaccine!” “If you do not take the vaccine, you will be Locked Down!” And now, they are beginning to FURTHER say: “If you do not take the vaccine, you will be Locked UP!” “You will be Locked Up in a very ‘special’ Covid Quarantine Camp!”

    So, our trucker demonstrators are “blockading” and “Locking Down” Ottawa and other places??????? They are simply shoving back to the faces of the severely wicked evil “Official” “Establishment” a good thick taste of their own medicine!!

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