Rav Shmaryahu Yosef Chaim Kanievsky is celebrating his 94th birthday today.
Born on January 8, 1928, in Pinsk, Rav Chaim’s parents were Rav Yaakov Yisroel Kanievsky, the Steipler Gaon, and Rebbetzin Miriam Karelitz, a sister of the Chazon Ish.
Rav Chaim was married to Rebbetzin Batsheva Elyashiv, a daughter of Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv. Rebbetzin Batsheva passed away in 2011.
A gaon and boki of unparalleled proportions, Rav Chaim, recognized as the gadol hador, receives thousands of visitors every year from around the globe seeking p’sak and guidance.
Since his arrival to Eretz Yisroel as a young boy, Rav Chaim has never left the Holy Land to visit other countries.
Rav Chaim is the author of many works law, such as Derech Emunoh on agricultural halachos, Derech Chochmoh on the halachos of the avodas haMikdosh, and Shoneh Halachos, based on Mishnah Berurah.
Other seforim of Rav Chaim’s include Shekel Hakodesh on the halachos of Kiddush Hachodesh; Orchos Yosher, Siach Hasadeh, Nachal Eisan on the halachos of eglah arufah, Ta’ama Dikra, B’sha’ar Hamelech, L’mechase Atik, Kiryas Melech, and commentaries on Maseches Tzitzis, Maseches Avadim, Maseches Kusim, Maseches Geirim, Perek Shira, Baraisa D’Meleches HaMishkan and Baraisa D’Maseches Middos.
Interestingly, during the 1948 Israeli War of Independence, Rav Chaim, then a talmid at the Lomza Yeshiva in Petach Tikva, was conscripted for temporary army service in the general mobilization. He was assigned to stand guard on a large hill near Yaffo.
{Matzav.com Israel News Bureau}
Why do you feel the need to post gedolim birthdays ???
Mazel Tov.
Many Happy Returns of the day, and אי”ה many more birthdays in best of health
I strongly protest this for multiple reasons.
How about respecting the privacy of Maran Rav Chaim shlit”a?
How do you know that he “celebrates” his birthday? He for sure is not blowing out candles on a birthday cake…
אין לך יפה מן הצניעות, טוב שלא לפרסם ולהשמר מחשש עין הרע ח”ו אע”פ שמורנו שמו יוסף (שמריהו יוסף חיים) ויוסף לא שולט בו עינא בישא
החותם בצער מבזיון כבוד התורה וכבוד שר התורה שליט”א
It’s the Jewish date that’s important, not the secular. It might be ט”ו בטבת, תרפ”ח, depending on the time of day this צדיק was born. While in general we don’t celebrate birthdays as such, the passing of years obviously has significance, such as the third and thirteenth for a male, the twelvth for a female, eighteen (לחופה), 60, 20 whatever. According to some sources, the day of birth is a day that one has כוחות to bestow ברכות on others, and the ברכות that others give him are also good. Hence, the day is good to bless others with health, נחת, a good פרנסה, זיווג or what it is they need. ואברכה מברכך