Kids Were Left To “Fend For Themselves”

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For months, Sara Gottesman’s battle for her life was on many peoples’ thoughts and minds. While loved ones watched her become emaciated and weakened by lung cancer, however, three other victims went unnoticed: Her children. Those who have seen the way cancer deteroriates a family up close know that children are often forced to grow up when their parent becomes sick.

This was the case with Aidel Gottesman, who became her mother’s caretaker. For years she dedicated her days to helping her mother get to appointments, picking up her medications, cooking, and cleaning. She was not ready to grow up so fast, but she had no choice.

Miraculously, Sara survived. The Gottesman family has been left reeling from the experience, and are also deeply in debt. Recently, however, some much-needed happy news: Aidel is engaged.

Her glowing smile now that she is a kallah has brought much joy to the Gottesman family. Because of the war cancer waged on their family, however, they also feel embarrassment. The Gottesmans have no money to marry off their daughter and so once again, Aidel is on her own.

Donations are being collected to help this young kallah have a simple wedding with dignity.


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