#KippaChallenge for Pittsburgh

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  1. It says אותי עזבו ותורתי שמרו (leave Me (the Rebono Shel Olam) out and obey the Torah and its laws). The Toldos Yaakov Yosef explains what the Talmud says that a thief prays to Hashem while doing his genevah (theft). So Hashem tells him, leave Me out (don’t pray to Me, rather, obey my mitzvos and don’t steal).
    Leave me out with your kipa, ahavas yisrael, and rather make a show of solidarity with Hashem and keep My Torah.

  2. To all commentators who aren’t impressed with this man’s suggestion: Hello, for h i m this is a great step, not for you but for a secular Jew and his friends on the web, it’s a step up. Instead of knocking him, reach out, thank him, warm up his Jewish blood, and maybe you’ll be the one to inspire him to take on a more real קבלה.

  3. A kipah is “yiras-sho’mayim”. Therefore,
    The Chasam Sofer, OB”M would never allow a non-frum Jew to wear a kipah.
    Please remove it, until such time that you are a fully observant Jew and accept ALL of the mitzvos.

  4. I know a non-observant Jew that runs large Glatt kosher affairs, but he would never wear a kipah at the job, so at not to fool himself or anyone else.

    He refuses to turn on any fires in the kitchen, etc.

    He will not allow nor touch any non-mevushal wines.

  5. To all the Anonymous Soinei Yisroel posting here:
    Most probably, on this Yids level, this kabalah is an actual step up in his connection to yiddishkeit and hashem. It would be the equivalent of you guys hearing this story and being mekabel to up your level of avodah some way (and i hope you don’t look in the mirror and see a perfect jew). So before you knock someone else’s mesiras nefesh, try to do a little extra yourself. (How about, at a time when we should be promoting ahavas yisroel, you stop criticizing other Jews on a public forum). All you’re doing is validating the claims of a lot of secular Jews i speak to who feel that the frum community looks down at them. If we just loved each other for no other reason than the fact that we are all Hashem’s children, maybe we would have a chance of bringing more of our brothers “home”.

    • thank you well said! Im appalled by the negative comments!! and lets remember, lashon hara is an aveira too- this man is not anonymous so talking negative about him is not an option!

  6. Good for him. This one gesture may be the beginning of him doing more mitzvos. To the naysayers out there who have nothing good to say: Give others the benefit of the doubt, and always look for the good in people.

  7. For all of those commenting with disdain …while your comments might possibly be valid regarding frum people it has absolutely no bearing on a non frum yid as explained in many sources. (רמבם הלכות מצרים פרק ג הלכה ג)
    It is harder for him to put on a yarlmuka in public than for us to stop talking lashon hara for even a half hour. And it takes more mesirus nefesh for him to wear his yarlmuka than for us to stop talking during chazaras hashatz. We should definitely not go make comments on public forums and drive yidden even further away. Anyone that deals in kiruv knows that this is a major first step. Sad to see such comments, definitely comes from a lack of awareness. For further clarification see תניא פרק לב.

    • I think the issue here is, everyone today is looking for their 15 minutes of fame. Let me post a video of myself, have it go “viral”, and all my “friends” will go wild. If someone is sincere in his avodas hashem, he doesn’t make it into a publicity stunt. Rav Noach Weinberg ZT”L didn’t take videos of himself making a bracha with kavana or giving a poor man tzidaka who knocked on his door. Once someone videos himself and makes sure it goes viral it loses all sincerity and credibility. Even when someone is trying to be sincere, we’ve become skeptical as to the persons motivations. It’s like the story of the little boy who cried wolf.
      Anyway, my concern is, will they start doing the good deed on a regular basis or is it a one time deal, get my publicity, and then back to my old ways?

  8. 2 brothers 1 makes it out of Russia before communism and 1 gets left behind their grandchildren today 1 blessed with a rich yidishe heritage the other just knowing he is a yid and yet trying in some way to bring out his feeling of connection to yidden, ahavas yisroel and pride of being a yid [although not with much knowledge ] thank Hashem that you are frum and bring our dear brothers back through love and open your heart and home, offer to learn with him once a week etc.

  9. 2 brothers 1 makes it out of Russia before communism and 1 gets left behind their grandchildren today 1 blessed with a rich yidishe heritage the other just knowing he is a yid and yet trying in some way to bring out his feeling of connection to yidden, ahavas yisroel and pride of being a yid [although not with much knowledge ] thank Hashem that you are frum and bring our dear brothers back through love and open your heart and home, offer to learn with him once a week etc.

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