Knesset’s First-Ever Selichos Concert

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Indicative of Israel’s increasing religious orientation, the Knesset plans to hold its first-ever Selichos concert during the Aseres Yemei Teshuvah with dozens of performers as part of events marking the country’s 75th year.

Organizers hope the “unity concert” will be a permanent feature of Israel’s cultural landscape.

Knesset Speaker Amir Ochana of Likud said: “We will all come together to sing ‘Kel Harachamim’ to Heaven for a year in which we will overcome crises and difficulties in hopes of reaching unity so that all our enemies will know that the same prayers that accompanied us in the Land and the Diaspora throughout the generations and protected us as a people in the past — will continue to do so in the future.”

{ Israel}


  1. “Knesset Speaker Amir Ochana of Likud”

    Open toeivah’nik.

    “the same prayers that accompanied us in the Land and the Diaspora throughout the generations and protected us as a people in the past — will continue to do so in the future.”

    If you defile the land, it may spit you out, remember the Torah’s warning!

    • The “mitzvos” they keep is like getting purified in a mikva holding a tamei sheretz in your hand.

  2. C BY:
    After the Zionists formalized their invasion of the area with the founding of their “State”, the Brisker Rav stated that the State the Zionists managed to achieve is the greatest triumph of the Satan since the sin of the golden calf.
    So, it’s not just the Speaker; it’s the Zionists.

    • The Brisker Rav never said such total nonsense. And believing it shows ignorance and lasck of value for kovod shomayim

      Yervam Ben nevat? Menahshe? Etc? Can any frum person believe their leading of klal Yisreoal astray was not as bad as what the Zionists did? The extreme anti Zionists created a new religion of opposing Zionism

      • The Brisker Rav did, of course, say that. And believing otherwise shows ignorance and lack of value for kovod Shomayim.

        The Zionist shmad since 1948 – never mind all that happened before that – is literally unprecedented and has so far resulted in at least three generations of Jews – millions of souls – lost to Zionist idolatry and heresy.

        • Explain to me in simple unemotional terms how the Zionists are worse than Yeruvem Ben Navat? The Soviet Union taking a mostly frum community of over a million people and making it mostly secular in about twenty years? Bonus extra credit. Explain in simple unemotional terms why thinking those people are a lot worse than the Zionists is Avodah Zora. No hysterics about Zionists avodah zorah and shmad please. Talk in simple terms that even I can understand


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