KOL HAKAVOD: NJ Kosher Bakery Faces Boycotts For Declining Rainbow Pastry Orders

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Several weeks before the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Colorado could not compel a Christian designer to create a website promoting toeivah marriage, a kosher West Orange, N.J. bakery canceled orders for a rainbow cake and 10 pounds of rainbow cookies celebrating Pride month.

The Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ initially wrote to staff and supporters on June 20 that it would no longer order from West Orange Bake Shop, after the kosher bakery canceled two orders from Congregation B’nai Israel, a Conservative congregation in Millburn, N.J.

Dov Ben-Shimon, executive vice president and CEO of the local Federation, wrote that the bakery’s decision “did not align with the value of B’tzelem Elohim, that each one of us is created in the Divine Image and deserves to be treated as such,” the New Jersey Jewish News reported.

A week later—after the first email had been publicly reported—Ben-Shimon emailed a new statement. “We are looking forward to future conversations with the vendor with the goal of finding a resolution,” he wrote.

“We sincerely regret that our actions have caused divisiveness in our community as our aim is to bring the variety and richness of our many constituents together,” he added.

Yitzy Mittel, the bakery’s co-owner, told JTA that he had made a rainbow cake for the synagogue last year, but had been unnerved, since it goes against his religious beliefs.

He told the wire that he also declines to make cakes with crosse, and that he would turn down business if a customer wanted him to write a homophobic message on a cake.

In 2018, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of a Colorado baker, who declined to create a custom wedding cake for a toeivah couple on religious grounds. JNS


  1. Pardon
    He only woke up belatedly because enough of the outside world has? At least give him his due for that.
    Seems we as a community are able to operate only backwards?

  2. Dov Ben-Shimon, executive vice president and CEO of the local Federation, wrote that the bakery’s decision “did not align with the value of B’tzelem Elohim, that each one of us is created in the Divine Image and deserves to be treated as such, as long as it aligns with our narrative and our feelings

  3. Goyim can be really crazy, but only Jews can do it while being most hypocritical.

    This guy says what?! “the bakery’s decision did not align with the value of B’tzelem Elohim, that each one of us is created in the Divine Image”?! – Unbelievable. So as part of being created with the image of G-d you get to change G-d’s gender?! – Amazingly Jewish…

  4. You gotta luv it! “B’tzelem Elokim” is the new Jewish value. And if Jews must celebrate their sinfulness, it goes against Jewish values to not be comfortable accommodating such celebrations.

    From a Jewish standpoint, any Jewish standpoint, the whole thing is very sad. For people who “choose” to be gay, they really need to get a life. And for the very few who unfortunately have no choice in the matter, celebrating their personal tragedy really makes no sense. And taking “pride” in their own misery goes against any logic available in the world.

    Maybe I’m not “woke” enough. Perhaps I’m very “sleep”…

  5. Kol hakavod to the owners of this bake shop and Mr. Mittel. When one stands up for the Aibishter’s honor, you never lose.

  6. They should send the boycotters a photo of lines of people waiting to get in to that bakery.

  7. Duck free segment of history. The dynamic hope for bakery housing is great.

    Maybe they can just buy some brownies!

  8. These federations believe the Torah when it say BeTzekem Elokim but don’t believe what they lain on Yom Kippur about toevah
    Such an embarrassment

    Everyone should support this baker and not let the left take over our establishments

  9. Mr. Mittel,
    Start selling online, at least the goods that can stay fresh (and find out how it’s done – air tight containers, minimal but some preservatives, etc.). You’ll receive much business now.

  10. I would strongly suggest to anyone within 10 miles of this Bakery to show them support in their stance against our brothers who are Nebech , Nebech, so close yet so far.

    We should also daven for them. On Rosh Hashanah (just 70 days away) when you say V’yaida Kol Po’ul….and M’loich al kol HaOilam Kuloi, have in mind our our Conservative and Reform Brothers who are, R”L, so far from any basic Yediah in Yiddishkeit, that they should learn the Emes.

    Before it’s too late.

  11. Bzelem Elokim….. They don’t know the rest of the posik.


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