Kosher Hot Dogs at Lakewood 7/11

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A kosher grill is opening at the 7-11 store on Route 9/River Avenue in Lakewood, NJ.
The kiosk in the 7-11 will operate under the hashgacha of the “Lakewood Kashrus Organization.”
The booth will sell hot dogs, kosher sausages, chili dogs, red hot dogs, taquitos, flatas, nachos, chicken fingers and French fries. From Wednesday thru Friday, they will also sell, cholent, kugel and kishke.


  1. Who is the Rav h’machsir of the Lakewood Kashrus Organization?

    May the owner have much hatzlocah!

    * All are reminded not to eat in public as Chazal teach one who does so is like a dog. Rather, buy your food and find an appropriate place to enjoy it.


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