Hundreds of people who gathered with family with peace of mind after testing negative for COVID-19 were notified a day later that they were actually sick with the virus.
The BBC reports that a total of 886 people were affected by the mess-up at a lab in Sydney, Australia, and 486 of them were later confirmed to be infected with the virus. The lab, SydPath, copped to the mistake in a statement Tuesday, saying it had occurred amid an “unprecedented” amount of tests. “Unfortunately… a simple data processing error was made which led to the wrong test results being released,” the lab said. The fiasco comes as New South Wales struggles with a surge of infections driven by the highly contagious Omicron variant. Those who received false test results have now been left with the horror of wondering if their loved ones are going to fall ill. “If (my niece and nephew) are positive, I’m the one to blame because I’ve infected them now,” Stephanie Colonna told The Today Show. Read more at BBC.
Yup. False positive. False negative. It happens all the time. These tests are so inaccurate, it’s pathetic. But just put your head down in submission and continue to do whatever your beloved government commands you to. Idiots.
Lab mistakenly told the truth. Uch un vei. How will they continue the fear mongering and injecting the poison if no one has Covid?
How does someone have Covid? What do they need to do for that? Have the doctors figured out what Covid symptoms are? Last year they didn’t know and called everything Covid. Is it any better this year?
Ha Ha!!
If you actually know of an honest good doctor in Rockland or Orange county who does not believe in these shtussim; or, if you know of an OB-GYN who does not believe in this garbage, or an honest pediatrician… can you please email me? Our family is looking for an honest Dr., one that does not fall for the $400+ bonus for giving the shot. A Doctor that is not afraid to speak the truth and is not cowering under the threats of this government. How sad that so many of us lost our trust in the health system in this country. Thank you. Concerned [email protected].
Ask Dr. Zelenko to help you find one in your neighborhood or word of mouth. There are many of them all over the world. I know quite a few.
Can’t be that the doctor is honest and correct, since he won’t believe the conspiracy that I read on the internet.
99.99% of the medical field are scammers and are wrong, since someone published a non peer reviewed “study”.
Is penicillin also a lie since some people have died taking it? How do you decide which medicine is legit and which is poison since big pharma makes money on all medicine?