Landlord Left With No Choice: Kicks Out Kid With Cancer

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Being 8 years old is never easy. Being an 8 year old with cancer is even harder. And being an 8 year old with cancer with nowhere to live? That’s just Bentzi Kaminetzky*.

Ever since Bentzi was diagnosed with leukemia 2 years ago, his parents have put everything they could into him getting better. Bentzi’s mother, Esther, works as a school teacher. His father as a repairman. Bit by bit, they watched cancer eat their savings. Another cab to the hospital. Another missed day of work to go to chemo. Another medical bill on the kitchen table, unpaid.

Now, a painful situation has taken a somehow even more painful turn: The Kaminetskys are being evicted from their home. The 7 Kaminetsky children and their brother with leukemia are about to become homeless.

Rabbi Yaakov Zilberman recorded a video for the family’s emergency campaign, pleading with the public on their behalf. Only time will tell if their tragedy and the Rabbi’s endorsement will be enough to give this hard-working couple what they want most in the world: Their children’s safety.

*Details changed to protect the family’s privacy.


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