LEAKING MACHINE: Trump Says He Didn’t Inform Democrats Of Baghdadi Raid Because Of Potential Leaks

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President Trump said in a press conference Sunday that he did not inform congressional Democrats before launching a military operation that resulted in Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s death because of potential leaks.

“We were going to notify them last night, but we decided not to do that because Washington leaks like I’ve never seen before. There’s no country in the world that leaks like we do, and Washington is a leaking machine. And I told my people we will not notify them until our great people are out — not just in but out. I don’t want to have them greeted with firepower like you wouldn’t believe.”

Trump said he did, however, inform the Russian government that U.S. soldiers were conducting an operation in northwestern Syria.

Read more at AXIOS.



    • This whole article seems to come from the fake news. It implies that Trump trusts Russia more than the Democrats. Not true. He trusts neither, but he needed to tell Russia that an operation was happening so they shouldn’t fire on US troops. There was no reason to tell Democrats.

  1. What’s the matter with you guys? He needed the Russian cooperation and even to them and the other countries involved he wan’t specific.
    True – it is very unfortunate that there are some elements in our country – elected and non elected officials – who supposedly should have the country’s safety and security together with a strong economy, their first and foremost priority, would rather do anything in their capacity and power, to bring this president down, to bring the country down. Exactly like in Israel

  2. Revealing future assassination plans

    to the FEEBLE AOC bums

    IS like telling the plan directly to the Russians !!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. So there is Russian collusion after all. This is terrible. Trump and Pence must be arrested and Al Green should be made President.

  4. Telling Pelosi is like calling the New York Times and having it written on the front pages. This way they did what they had to do in and out and no one but the enemy was destroyed, but yes the Democrats will whine again they were not involved. The leaks would be all over the news within minutes, and they wonder what the problem is they would rather see the country go down then give him a inch of win.

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