This is what passes for news these days.
The New York Times reports that President Donald Trump has congratulated himself on his response to the coronavirus pandemic on roughly 600 occasions.
The Grey Lady, apparently with lots of times on its hands, analyzed every word Trump has spoken at his White House briefings and other remarks on the virus since March 9, when the outbreak began disrupting everyday life. It categorized the words into self-congratulations, exaggerations and falsehoods, crediting others, blaming others, and displaying empathy. The most recurring utterances from Trump were self-congratulations, tallying up to roughly 600. He credited others for their work around 360 times, and blamed others more than 110 times. Trump has tried to display empathy or appeal to national unity about 160 times—roughly a quarter of the number of times he complimented himself or a member of his team.
John Murphy, a professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign who studies the rhetoric of American presidents, said: “The level of self-congratulations that occurs every day at these press conferences is unprecedented.” Read the brilliance at the New York Times.
Who cares???
Obama, the guy with the Photoshopped phony birth certificate , said the word “I” 25 times in a 5 minute speech.
Kenyan custom.
still less than NoBama’s speeches with I, I I, I I and I in every sentence
What you write about Obama is untrue.
Amazing thank you for sharing
I knew Trump was a buffaoon but to see it in number form is staggering !
IYH in a few short months we will vote him out once and for all
Their Messiah Obum Has congratuled himself that many times in one state of the union speech.
so, they are right. a president with no empathy is not concerned for the masses, only for himself. every president before trump have made speeches commiserating with the people.
All the biblical leaders were chosen because of their humility. No one should be dismissive of the facts and pooh pooh Trump’s diseased narcissism. Calling NYT leftist has nothing to do with the facts about Donald Trump. The Leftist Einstein said “It is easier to fool a man than it is to convince him that he has been fooled.”
Today was the first day Trump mentioned the real victims, his usual schtick is he is the victim. He only mentioned the true victims because of the NY Times article.
Leftist media is not the problem. They were trying to educate the public regarding the virus, unlike fox.
If Fake News will never fargin to acknowledge all the accomplishments of the FIRST DULY ELECTED President and the FIRST REAL LEADER of the US, he has to do it himself.
יהללך זר ולא, פיך (Mishlei 27:2) One should allow others to praise him, but if not then your own mouth will have to praise oneself.
Rabbi Moshe Boylan
However, it would seem appropriate, to mention that there are some cases in which it was necessary for Gedolim to mention their greatness.
In order to appreciate this, it is necessary to keep in mind some Maamarei Chazal. Chazal tell us that Beasra Delo Yediah Laih, in a place that one is not known, one is allowed to tell others of his status. Chazal also say that a Talmid Chochom is supposed to have a Sheminis Shebishminis, 1/64th of Gaavah, arrogance. There is also a Derash that Yehalelcha Zar Velo, Picha. The Derash is that one should allow others to praise him, but if not then your own mouth will have to praise oneself.
Once Rav Yechezkel Abramsky zt”l was called to speak in the English Court. The Judge asked him if it is true that you are the greatest Rabbinical authority in England? Rav Abramsky said this is true. The Judge asked him if this was in keeping with the humility that is expected from Rabbis? Rav Abramsky said: Your Honor, I am under oath.
Perhaps this would also answer the famous question as to why one of the Tannaim said that one should not say that there is no more Anivus, Deika Ana. This would seem to say that I have humility, so you shouldn’t say that this midah doesn’t exist anymore. The world asks that isn’t saying that one is humble a contradiction to humility? According to what has been said above this may answer our question. Normally a person should not brag about their greatness. However, when it is necessary to make ones greatness known, such as when someone has to know if a midah is still in the world, then one would be allowed and even required to mention this to others.
It’s high time for the frum world to acknowledge the great Chilul Hashem that we made by voting for this incompetent, lazy, narcissistic menuval.
This headline is like “Pravda” ….
Who cares WHO speaks the truth…as long as it is truth!
Trump is a windbag. He congratulated himself 600 times. That is INSANE, especially when the US response has been pathetic.
Do you not see the news right here in MAtzav of petirah after petirah?
Seems to me that some of these comments here have no sense at all, as if they expect a non-Jew to somehow hold the ideals of a great tzadik. In other words, what do these allegations against Trump, true or not, have to do with any relevant point? When real Gedolim had been asked about the problems with this or that non-Jewish politicians (and some of the problems were really severe violation of things, for example, of sexual nature), their response would be – he is goy, what do you expect – vote for the policies, not for the “person” (for even had the goy been tzadik, we would never use the goy as a role model anyway).
But aside from that, the nature of the leftists bullying is such that someone with an enormous ego is necessary in order to stand up to these insufferable bullies. As someone else had pointed out (elsewhere), that a person like Mitt Romney would shrivel and cower if faced with the ‘crime” of being “rich”, and in that way the leftists simply bully their opponents into submission. Trump, instead, would fire back at the bullies that he is even richer than they think he is. And that is what Trump has been doing – turning the tables against the leftist’s own strategy.
Trump has the blood of our brothers on his hands. He refused to read repeated classified reports about the threat – his behavior has been reprehensible.