Legislation Would Excuse Misdemeanors By Those With Behavioral Health Issues

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A city council member in Seattle, Washington, introduced legislation last week to ”excuse and dismiss” almost all misdemeanor crimes committed in the city by ”persons with symptoms of addiction or mental disorder,” KOMO News reports.

Critics say Lisa Herbold’s legislation, if approved, would create a loophole that would ”open the floodgates to crime in Seattle.”

“The legislation proposes that any perpetrator with a credible claim of behavioral health symptoms — anything from drug use to depression — would effectively have blanket immunity from prosecution for misdemeanor assault, theft, harassment, trespass, stalking, car prowl, and 100 other Seattle criminal laws,” Scott Lindsay, a former public safety adviser and special assistant for police reform to the City of Seattle, said in a legal analysis posted to ChangeWA, a non-partisan organization.

Read more at NEWSMAX



  1. So all criminals will be excused, as the Gemara says
    אין אדם חוטא אלא א”כ נכנס בו רוח שטות
    any time a person sins it is because there entered into him a spirit of insanity


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