Leiberman: ‘Netanyahu Is Forming A Coalition With Hamas’

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Yisrael Beitenu Chairman MK Avigdor Leiberman on Tuesday morning claimed Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is “forming a coalition with Hamas.”

At the Israeli Democracy Institute’s annual conference, Leiberman said Netanyahu, “who yelled about the possibility of forming a coalition with the Joint Arab List, is forming a coalition with Hamas. He’s working in coordination with them.”

“We saw it in the last round of fighting. Netanyahu prefers to buy quiet from Hamas and he pays protection money to terror organization. Hamas continues building its power base undisturbed. It manufactures two rockets a day, which can reach until Hadera. So in another three years, Hamas will turn into Hezbollah.”

Likud responded: “It’s hard to take criticism from Leiberman, who seriously considered joining a minority government which relied on Hamas supporters.”

Read more at Arutz Sheva.



  1. Lieberman sounds like a typical US Democrat blaming their own crimes on President Trump. Just last week or a week before Lieberman himself wanted to form a coalition with Arab rather than with religious Jews.

  2. This despicable man will say anything to advance his agenda.

    His only loyalty is to Avigdor Liberman. Anyone who partners with him can expect to be thrown under the bus.

    • I truly believe that Liberman’s only loyalty is to… PUTIN! Yes, we have a Russian spy in the highest echelons of Israeli political system, who already caused Israel millions of dollars with these election shenanigans, and untold damage to Israel’s security. The corrupt Israeli Leftists & Communists in collaboration with the corrupt [in]Justice apparatus are protecting him just like they protected Ariel Sharon. Israel is in great danger.

  3. I see Lieberman has been hitting that bottle hard lately. The Vodka has fried his brains. This Russian drunk aught to go back to Russia, where he can become a toilet engineer.


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