Letter: Skver Endorses Incumbent Democrat Kathy Hochul for Governor of New York

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    • Remember in 2016 when some chareidim endorsed Hillary? It was done on purpose even though they knew she’ll lose. If no Gedolim vote for her/him and that person wins, she/he might retaliate against all religious Jews. This way, if some vote for her, she’ll have to support all chareidim because she knows Jews stick up for each other.

      • Because she supported us until now? We elected her as Cuomo backup 4 years ago. What did she do for us these past 4 years? Nothing. Zero. Didn’t even speak on our behalf in front of the unelected board of regents.

      • false , awfully cute try though
        They were almost sure she would win.

        And voting for perverted candidates and degenerate of all stripes lowers the non Jewish respect for us, . That goes even for those who wish for those deviant candidates to win. And THAT will cause anti semitism

  1. Now you can understand how easy it was for the death jabs to be administered by politicians to Jews not only in the US but in Israel too. Every single day I hear of heimishe yidden dying suddenly or suddenly going on dialysis or having suddenly health issues with their heart, kidneys or liver.

    • Some people die or get sick because hashem wants them to. Not everything is because of faulty science or bad doctors. I’m not endorsing or saying not to take the vaccine. Each person should do their own research.

      • How is it that you’re blind to see the truth that thousands of people have died suddenly? Of course everything is from Hashem but that does not mean these people wren’t killed by the shots. It’s not “faulty science”, it’s fake science, lying science and evil doctors to fool the people. Why are you so afraid of the emes and not screaming on all the rooftops against the shots?

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